Mme Sherry Leclerc French
Where am I supposed to sit? Please sit in your assigned seat every day. The seating plan is used by the teacher to get to know your names quickly, to create absent folders for students who are away, to create groups for group work, and so on. The seating plan may be changed from time to time, so you may not always be sitting in your originally assigned seat.
Who is this teacher as a person?
Mes qualifications: B.A. (English and French); B.Ed. (Intermediate/Secondary) Junior qualifications (ABQ) French Specialist qualifications More than 10 years of experience teaching Second Language courses
Will this teacher treat me fairly? Yes, Always! BUT remember, Fair ‡ Equal
What will I be doing this unit? Vocabulary: Winter clothing Winter Olympic sports, sports equipment, and sites where sports are practiced Vocabulary to describe self, others, and athletes Voici ________ The Canadian National Anthem Identifying countries, flags, and medals
Grammar : The verbs mettre, porter, and enlever (singular forms) Cognates (les mots-amis) and use of cognates to aid comprehension Verbs used in the context of sports and sports biographies: jouer à/au; faire du/de la/de l’; finir; gagner; etc. Review of grammar forms previously studied
What are the rules in French class? 1.Always treat others with respect and politeness. 2.Follow instructions the first time they are given. 3.Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak. 4.Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise. 5.Use appropriate language and volume at all times.
Classroom rewards Choosing to follow the rules will result in: Daily: Praise; the joy of learning; a stress-free learning environment! Random: “Sage comme une image” cards; positive notes home. Weekly: Whole class game, music, or activity time (in French) (no green sheets or detentions issued) Monthly: Video or activity (in French) (80% or more of class with no green sheets or detentions issued more than 80% of time).
Classroom consequences Choosing NOT to follow the rules will result in: 1 st time: Name on clipboard chart. Warning. 2 nd time: One check. Second warning. 3 rd time: Two checks. Processing form. 4 th time: Three checks. Second processing form; green behaviour slip (walk with teacher). 5 th time: Blue sheet (Behaviour Form) and phone call home; recess detention. Continued non-compliance will result in office referral. Severe disruptions: Student sent immediately to the office.
À Noter: All school-wide rules, policies and procedures apply in the classroom (see your Student Handbook if you are unsure of what these are)
More Rewards! Des étoiles filantes!! Chaque mois: –Best Achievement –Best Effort –Best Improvement
Classroom Procedures What is a procedure? What are some examples of procedures you can think of? Why are procedures important?
Procedure # 1: Entering the classroom When you enter the classroom, you are entering a “learning zone” Enter quickly and quietly without disturbing others Go directly to your seat or the area you are working in This applies to the start of class as well as when you return after leaving the room
Procedure # 2: Start of class Take out your materials and any homework due Sharpen pencils at this time, if necessary Look at the board for the day’s schedule and Bellwork assignment Get to work immediately on the Bellwork
Procedure # 3: Bellwork (Travail de commencement) Bellwork assignments will be posted in the same area each day As soon as you’ve taken out your materials get to work on the Bellwork immediately You will have 10 minutes from the start of class to finish the Bellwork. If you finish early, look ahead on the daily schedule and prepare for the day’s lesson Bellwork assignments will usually consist of a “Question of the day” (Question du jour) for you to write down and answer or an “Expression of the day” (Expression du jour) for you to find the translation for and write in your cahier The type of Bellwork assignment may change from time to time, depending on the lesson
Procedure # 4: Leaving the class If you must leave the room for any reason (washroom, drink, called out by the office, etc), the following procedures apply: Raise your hand to ask permission (permission for the washroom will not be given until after 10 min. after the start of class, or after 10 min. before the end of class) Ask only if it is necessary, and wait until an appropriate time (i.e. not when the teacher is giving instructions or information) If given permission, go to the Classroom Sign Out sheet and write your name, the reason and the time you are leaving Upon your return, enter without disturbing the class and write in the time on the sign out sheet
Procedure # 5: Handing in Work When instructed to hand in your work, look to make sure it is properly labelled : Name at the top left hand side, Room number at the top middle, Date at the top left hand side ex. Monique Leblanc Salle 68 le 3 février 2014 Two collectors (les ramasseurs) will be chosen as part of our classroom jobs. Different people will be chosen every 2 weeks Have your work labelled and ready to hand in to “les ramasseurs” when they get to you.
Procedure # 6: End of Class Class is dismissed by the TEACHER, not by the bell When instructed, pack up your materials and make sure your area is clean. Check on, under and around your desk and chair Pick up any garbage and throw it in the trash bin When ready, the teacher will dismiss you with an “À demain!” or “Bonne journée!” If leaving for recess, leave the same way you enter: quickly, quietly and respectfully