Classroom Policies, Procedures, and Expectations Ms. Henry 12 th Grade English & SAT Prep
About Me…
Quick Write If you were the teacher of this class, how would you ensure that your students were learning and that they felt safe, and respected? List at least three things you would do to create a positive classroom culture. Now share your thoughts with a partner. How were your responses similar? Different?
CLASS CULTURE I promise I won’t teach like this: eptwA I will try to be more engaging. Perhaps something like this: wCOoEs
Class Expectations Be courteous Be prepared Be on time Be productive Follow ALL policies and procedures
Class Rules There will be no cursing or foul language in this classroom. You are to be seated, quiet, and ready to work when the tardy bell rings. You will arrive EVERYDAY with all required supplies. You will raise your hand to speak. You will not speak when I am speaking.
Rewards What happens when I choose to follow the rules? Verbal praise Good news call or note to parents Homework passes Fast forward pass- gets you to the front of the lunch line And more!
Consequences What happens if I choose to break the rules?
What will I be doing this year?
Entering the Classroom Tardy Policy Any student that is tardy must bring a pass. If you are coming from a teacher’s class and you were held late for some reason, you should get a note from the teacher to present to me. The Tardy Policy is as follows: 1st Unexcused Tardy = Warning 2nd Unexcused Tardy = Conference with Teacher 3rd Unexcused Tardy = Teacher Detention and Parent Contact 4th Unexcused Tardy = Teacher Detention, Conference with Teacher and Parent Contact 5th Unexcused Tardy = Office Referral and Parent Contact More than 5 Unexcused Tardies – Automatic Office Referral. You will be seated and completing your Bell Ringer when the tardy bell rings or you will be counted tardy.
During the Lesson Participate! Raise your hand to speak and wait for acknowledgment. You may not leave my class for the first 15 and last 15 minutes of class. Restroom procedure and medical exceptions During my lesson is not the time to leave your desk for ANY reason.
During Independent Practice Be on task or there will be consequences. Ask questions about things you don’t understand. “Ask three, then me.”
Getting Your Attention I say “Claaaaass?” You reply “Yeeeees?” Countdown “May I have you attention in 5…4…3….2….1.” Clap twice if you can hear my voice.
Closing of Class Comprehension checks (quickwrite, exit slips, turn and talk etc.) The bell does not dismiss you. You will be dismissed in sections if your area is clean and everyone is seated. Do not run, yell, or line up at my door. You will be the last to leave.
Teacher’s Phone and Desk You may not use my phone or anything on my desk without permission. This is my personal property and I expect you to respect it.
Gum and Uniforms DO NOT CHEW GUM! Follow the uniform guidelines. If you choose not to, see the list of consequences. You must wear an id all day, every day!
Come to class prepared! To be successful in this class you must bring the following EVERYDAY: Pen, pencil, paper Your interactive Notebook Your brain
Homework/Make Up work Homework will be due at the START of class each day. Have it out on your desk so I can check who has it and who doesn’t. Make up work will be filed at the front of the room. You are responsible for copying missed notes from a classmate. DO NOT ASK ME “DID I MISS ANYTHING YESTERDAY?”
CLASS CULTURE The “Cool Clap” No whining zone! EVERYONE in this room will be respected and treated with dignity. Zero Tolerance for bullying. Cyber bullying Lets review your Quickwrites about class culture. Be prepared to share.
Class Culture… FAMILY
Classroom Jobs Leader- 2Line Leader Secretary- 2Line Follower Sub Helper- 2Recycler Paper Distributor- 4Date EPA- 4Contract Changer KleenexErrands- 3 StaplesTech Support Artist Pace Setter