What is Persuasion? A means of convincing people: to buy a certain product to believe something or act in a certain way to agree with a point of view
7 Common Persuasive Techniques Testimonials Appeal to plain folks Name Calling Bandwagon Appeal to emotions Glittering Generalities Slogan
T estimonials A well known person or expert supports a product or service
A ppeal to Plain Folks Using a person whose lifestyle appeals to the audience or with whom they can identify
N ame Calling Creating a negative attitude Using loaded, emotional, or slanted language
B andwagon Creating the desire to join a large group. The idea that everyone is doing it and so should you
A ppeal to Emotion Connecting with the audience’s emotions Examples: loyalty, pity, fear, love of family
G littering Generalities Telling only one part of the truth or generalizing a large amount of information
S logan A catchy phrase or statement
Quick Review: T A N B A G S
Audience Awareness Advertisers know how to target their audiences use appropriate persuasive technique
Who’s the audience?
Purpose? Persuasive Technique?
Audience? Purpose? Persuasive Technique?
Audience? Persuasive Technique?
Audience? Persuasive technique?