PowerPoint 17.2
people tied large leaves and grass under their feet In the earliest days: people made shoes to protect their feet
In hot countries: people made shoes with grass or plant fibres In cold countries, shoes: were made from animal skins give better protection & keep the feet warm
shoes were only popular among the rich people
In the 1320’s: people made shoes with pointed toes the length of toes was the symbol of a person’s status the King had shoes with the longest toes
Later: pointed toes were replaced by round and square toe shapes toes became larger and larger At the time of Henry VIII: people called shoes foot bags size reached to six and a half inches wide
From 1570: shoe heels were developed Queen Elizabeth I’s heels grew to 2-3 inches
knee boots were also popular most of the boots were made of cloth or leather
common people wore shoes made of cloth rich people wore shoes or boots made of silk
In the 18th Century: people began to decorate women’s shoes men’s shoes were quite plain and were made of black leather with pointed toes and low heels
In the 19th Century: boots were popular for both men and women there were cloth boots, button boots and boots with front laces women also wore shoes in a variety of different materials, e.g. silk, reptile skins and drawn leathers