Report of Activities from Kiel Claus Böning · Arne Biastoch · Joachim Dengg Wonsun Park · Sabine Hüttl Joke Lübbecke · Markus Scheinert IFM-GEOMAR
Model Runs ORCA05 CORE runs different restoring parameterizations different forcing variability different regional variability ORCA025 CORE runs KAB001: with polar 3D restoring and 2 tracers (CFC-11, SF6) KAB002: with strong polar SSS restoring Data stored on DODS-Server in Kiel Todo: authentification from outside, LAS
Mechanisms of MOC variability in response to key mechanisms/regions Observability MOC and Related Large-scale Circulation Arne Biastoch, Claus Böning, Joachim Dengg Subpolar gyre transport variability and its reverberation in the MOC (Böning et al., 2006) Atlantic MOC Strength (36°N) in ORCA05 (Biastoch et. al, 2007) full forcing variability interannual wind variability only heat and freshwater variability only
Influence of Freshwater on Subpolar North Atlantic Markus Scheinert Freshwater balance in arctic and subpolar regions “Great Salinity Anomaly” events in CORE runs Freshwater fluxes in 50-yr CORE runs Freshwater balance in ORCA05
Tropical Atlantic Mean pathways subtropics-tropics: Sources and role of the zonal current bands Connections to upwelling in the eastern tropical Atlantic Interannual to decadal variability in the topical Atlantic Influence and role of the subtropical-tropical cell (STC) Connections to MOC variability in the North Atlantic Sabine Hüttl
Tropical Pacific Joke Lübbecke Subtropical cells (ORCA05, ORCA025) Western boundary vs. interior transport Impact on SST Variability on interannual to decadal time scales Lagrangian analysis of ORCA05 data focusing on pathways into STCs (colloboration with K. Döös, Stockholm) WBC vs. interior in ORCA05
ECHAM5/NEMO coupled model KCM prototype with T31/ORCA2 resolution Two 500-yr simulations with difference atmosphere configurations: Stable climate Different ENSO dynamics Reasonable sea ice distribution Low MOC Cold bias over North Atlantic Wonsun Park, Noel Keenlyside, Mojib Latif, Rene Redler
Agulhas Stalled due to Manpower Open Postdoc Position! Fundamental problems running AGRIF on NEC SX-8 Arne Biastoch
Australian Activities Claus Böning