1 Archiving and Restoring Machine Waypoints 2015
2 Purpose Off course events are generated when a truck enters a waypoint that is not on it’s current assignment. This includes Loading Tool waypoints. Often controllers will get a lot of off course events when a Loader is out on a dump pushing of tip heads. These are not true off course events but in Minestar terms the truck is hitting a waypoint that was not expected. To avoid this issue the only way to get around it is to temporarily archive the loader waypoint. Follow the process outlined in this document to quickly restore the waypoint back to its original state when required.
3 Steps involved Archiving Steps Step 1. Archive Waypoint. Step 2. Update Waypoint File in Onboard File Assistant. Restore Waypoint Step 1. Restore Waypoint. Step 2. Rename waypoint from Auto Create to Machine Name e.g. LOA322 Step 3. Update Waypoint File in Onboard File Assistant. Step 4. Run A Send Update From Waypoint Assistant.
4 To archive a waypoint Open Waypoint Assistant. Scroll through the list of waypoints until you find the one that you want to delete, and click that row. Click Archive. The Archive dialog opens. If you are sure that you want to delete the waypoint, click Yes in the confirmation dialog. This will remove the waypoint. Alternatively you can do this from Site Editor as well. At this point you may need to update the waypoint file in Onboard File Assistant. You will now see that the offcourse events will stop occurring.
5 Restoring Waypoints Run a Model Data Validation scan. From the scan results you will see the loading tools that are archived and that there is a solution available. Click the tick box for the waypoint that you would like restored and click resolve.
6 Auto Create When a way point is restored the description field In Waypoint Editor will say Auto Create. This is the description that will display on the Trucks Minestar Screen. You will need to rename the Description as the Loading Tool name and click Save.
7 Final Step; Run A Send Update The last step is to update the other machines with the changes. This is done from Waypoint Assistant. Left Click on the loading tool then right click then select Send Update.
8 Final Step; Run A Send Update This will open the Waypoint Update. Click on a machine then Select All. After this is any trucks with a current assignment to Auto Create will need to be assigned to something else then reassigned back to the loading tool for it to refresh.