Bell Work: 9/23/14 What is the energy transformation for a person struck by lightning?
Essential Questions to Ponder… Can we recognize different types of energy transformations?
Standards SPI Recognize that energy can be transformed from one type to another.
Yesterday’s Tweet… Give a scenario for the energy transformation below: Light energy Chemical Energy
Plan: Your goal is to engineer a model home that stays at a comfortable and preferably constant temperature inside no matter how high or low the temperature gets outside. Work with your group to plan your insulated model home design and create a final sketch of your team’s home. Label your sketch. Make a materials list & don’t forget to justify your materials. Also keep track of how much you will spend on each material. As you plan, make a list of steps you till take to build your model.
Create Create your team’s design. Test your model home. Draw the charts below for recording data. WE WILL RECORD THE CLASS DATA ON THE “RESULTS BOARD”.
After testing, improve your design. Make note of the improvements your group made? What happened when you re- tested? Did you have to improve again? If so, how did you improve?
Use a Post-It Note to “tweet” about the following question: Give a scenario for the energy transformation below: Chemical energy Sound Energy Tweet a response…