Agenda To Get: –Handouts off the front shelf –BE SURE TO RETURN THE READING WHEN FINISHED!! To Do: –Review Exam scores/questions or concerns/ correction days –Intro to dance –Opener: Why do people dance? I will do your note book check for music while you read and answer questions –Notes Elements of Dance –Application: Video Analysis of the Elements –Exit: What are the elements of dance?
Why do people Is the desire to dance something we learn or is it something we are born with? Nature vs. Nurture!
Read the article on dance and brain research entitled: “Why do people like to dance and move to the beat?” These answers need to be on page 46 in your notebook! 1) What is one thing that stimulates a brain’s reward center? 2) What are the three areas of the brain that music pleasures and rewards? State where these regions are located. 3) What are the three reasons why dance is pleasurable? 4) What are mirror neurons? 5) How do mirror neurons work when you’re watching someone dance? 6) How can music refine your movement skills? You must include all three ways when answering this question. 7) What is Capoeira? What is this art appealing to viewers? 8) Apply what you’ve learned: Based on the information you learned from this article, explain why the baby imitated Beyonce’s moves in “Single Babies.” –Note: you will need to use some of the vocabulary learned in the article to support your answer.
What is dance? Dance is a natural activity that becomes artistic when it is structured and formed by the elements of dance and the principles of composition. Dances are composed of locomotor and non-locomotor movements: –Locomotor movements: travel through space; move across the floor –Non-locomotor movements: stationary These movements do not move across the floor
Learning the Vocabulary
The Elements of Dance Time Space Force
TIME Definition: the relationship of one movement or part of a movement to another
PULSE: Ongoing underlying beat BEAT: most basic unit of rhythm; underlying rhythmic pulse (downbeat) TEMPO: the speed with which the movement is performed RHYTHM: a flow of movement having regular accented beats ACCENT: a movement or shape performed in such a way as to give emphasis
TIME, continued DURATION: the length of time a movement lasts; can either be a long or short time or somewhere in between PHRASE: a sequence of related movements that has a sense of rhythmic completion
Video Application: Turn to page 47 in your notebook entitled, “Application of Dance Elements: Video Clips” As you watch the following clip, answer the corresponding questions on the sheet entitled, “Application of Dance Elements: Video Clips.” You must tell why! SYTYCD Aaron, Alexis, Curtis Tap Routine =7qYBAegjikE
SPACE: the area in which you move; the area around you
Yes, there’s a few more GENERAL SPACEGENERAL SPACE: the space shared by all dancers, the dance area; reaches beyond personal space PERSONAL SPACE: the space reached while stationary or not moving SHAPE:SHAPE: the form created by the body’s position in space; open/closed, symmetrical/asymmetrical, angular/curved
Which is personal? Which is general?
Other words associated with SPACE – put on the bottom of pg 45 LEVEL: vertical distance from the floor; high, middle, low »DIRECTION: the way a dancer faces or moves; forward, backward, sideways, up and down PATHWAY: patterns made as a dancer faces or moves through the air or on the floor SIZE:SIZE: the magnitude of a body shape or movement
What is the level and direction?
Video Application: Turn to page 47 in your notebook entitled, “Application of Dance Elements: Video Clips As you watch the following clip, answer the corresponding questions on the sheet entitled, “Application of Dance Elements: Video Clips.” Why was a specific level used? Explain your answer! Evolution of Dance
FORCE FORCE: the degree of muscular tension and use of energy while moving; the use of weight
Different levels of Force DYNAMICS: how a movement is done –Sharp/Smooth –Tension/Relaxation FLOW: continuity of movement. –How does one movement blend into another? –Bound/Flowing WEIGHT: strength or lightness of movement –Heavy/Light ENERGY: the power or ability to be active
Video Application: Turn to page 47 in your notebook entitled, “Application of Dance Elements: Video Clips As you watch the following clip, answer the corresponding questions on the sheet entitled, “Application of Dance Elements: Video Clips.” YOU MUST DESCRIBE WHAT MAKES A STEP HEAVY/FLOW AND THEN EXPLAIN WHY THE STEP WAS WRITTEN THAT WAY =MGjfj4478fY Jasmine and Fik Shun – Travis Wall
Drawing Page Draw your element terms on page 48! 10 Minutes
Exit Slip: Put on ½ sheet of paper Identify the dance element characteristic pictured. What element of dance is the most important in the following clip?