FALLACIES False Authority
WHAT IS FALSE AUTHORITY? False authority is when you use an authority as evidence in your argument but they not really an authority on the facts relevant to the argument. Example: My fifth grade teacher once told me that girls will go crazy for boys if they learn how to dance. Therefore, if you want to make the ladies go crazy for you, learn to dance. Explanation: Even if the fifth grade teacher were an expert on relationships, her belief about what makes girls “go crazy” for boys is circumstantial.
TCH?V=NCGHLCVQXF0 This video represents false authority because they use Mathew McConaughey to talk about their product because they think it will get more people to purchase it since he is famous and a lot of people look up to him. He doesn’t have anything to do with the actual Lincoln brand, he is just a selling point for the company to make you think he is apart of your experience with them.
TCH?V=UHHMWLJL77U This video also represents false authority because Taylor Swift isn’t in charge of taking pictures of her fans. They mainly put Taylor in the commercial to draw the audience, people who are probably taking pictures of her, to buy this camera by using someone they like and look up to. Taylor Swift is the false authority because she is representing a product that she does not need or use.