The most interesting man named Chris Perini:
Bio Born and raised in State College, Pa Older of two (brother, Jon, age 12) Both parents (Steve and Marcy) attended Penn State Extended family photo. My immediate family members are towards the right.
Interests Chris has done theatre since he was a kid. He has participated in numerous choirs and ensembles. Sports have always played a large role in his life. Group photo of music tour of Europe (Matterhorn, Switzerland pictured).
Activities Chris played competitive soccer until age 16 when he blew out his knee. Chris has also acted and performed since elementary school. There isn’t much he enjoys more than hanging out with friends.
Penn State Life Chris’ plan has been to attend PSU for quite some time. PSU Football has been a main focus of Chris over the years. He currently lives in North Halls.
Any more questions? Just ask.