International climate finance governance: role play.


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Presentation transcript:

International climate finance governance: role play

2 Imprint Published by: Contact adelphi Caspar-Theyss-Strasse 14a Berlin / Germany T F E I Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH CF Ready Program Godesberger Allee Bonn/Germany T F E I Dennis Tänzler E T Dorit Lehr E T tise/html/3041.html Any content written by named authors do not necessarily reflect the views of adelphi nor GIZ nor of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Although the authors take all possible care to ensure the correctness of published information, no warranty can be accepted regarding the correctness, accuracy, reliability and completeness of the content of this information. August 2014

3 Terms of Use This Training Material was developed by adelphi with financial support from GIZ’s CF Ready Program on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. If you would like to adapt this presentation to your needs, please respect the following terms of use: The imprint is mandatory. It may neither be altered nor removed from the presentation and should always be printed out as part of the presentation, if applicable. The German Cooperation, GIZ and adelphi logo must not be moved or removed. No other logos or further information may be placed in the footer area. If you wish to add your own content please indicate in the respective slides that the respective content has been added and that it was not part of the original version provided by the authors mentioned in the imprint. If you would like to make substantial changes to the content of this presentation or have other questions regarding the material, please contact or

4 What you can expect to learn from this exercise  Getting an overview of funding opportunities for the implementation of climate change measures  Understand the selection criteria of international donors and the modalities for accessing Climate Finance resources Ultimately, to know the requirements for accessing climate funds and to increase the chances of receiving them. This is what it means to be CLIF Ready.

5  Introduction  Short reminder of the Landscape of International Climate Funds  Role play exercise Agenda

6 The Landscape of International Climate Funds

7 GCCA (EU) Role Play Exercise – Selected Funds/Donors Adaptation Fund We established to finance concrete adaptation projects in developing country Parties to the Kyoto Protocol that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. ICI (Germany) We support the poorest and most vulnerable countries with respect to their capacity to adapt to the effects of climate change. PPCR We put a strong focus on increasing the capacity of selected countries to mainstream climate resilience into strategic development planning. We strengthen cooperation between the German Government and developing and transition countries and emerging economies. Focus

8 Role Play Exercise Now it is your turn to do the exercise! Setting The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has invited the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) and the International Climate Initiative – ICI (Germany) to find out what other climate finance donors are doing and what parties and projects they fund. The GEF has also invited the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Tourism and Culture of CLIFland, representing the perspective of the applicants’ side. The Ministries (the applicants) seeks funding for a project which it will present to the donors. Each donor (fund) needs to decide whether to finance the projects or not.

9 Role Play Exercise Role Description: the group of donors In order to make the decision of whether to fund the project of the Ministry or not, each donor has to consider: The focus of the fund which you present. The (country) eligibility criteria. The modalities for accessing resources of the fund. Whether the applicant (the Ministry) and the project proposal meet all the criteria of your fund. This will be the major requirement for granting the fund to the applicant! Whether financing this project would be a priority according to the fund‘s mandate.

10 Role Play Exercise Role Description: the applicants The Ministry of Environment of CLIFland is looking for a donor to finance its latest adaptation project. The Ministry of Tourism and Culture is looking for a donor to finance its latest mitigation project. The Ministries will have to present to the donors: Project title and target region Project goals and planned activities, including target group and responsible institution/unit Time frame for implementation Monitoring & Evaluation framework, including output and outcome indicators Description of how the project is in line with national or sub-national development strategies

11 Role Play Exercise Instructions  Break up into groups of 4-5 people  Divide the roles among the groups for the following characters: 1. The applicants – two groups of 4 people are representatives of the – Ministry of Environment – Ministry of Tourism and Culture 2. Donor group – groups of 4 people represent the following funds: – Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) – ICI (International Climate Initiative – Germany) For further details on your role, please review the role description handed out to you!

12 Role Play Exercise DurationTask 30 minutesDiscussion of roles 10 minutesDonors present their key criteria to applicants 5 minutesGetting ready to present 10 minutes1 st round: applicants present projects to donors 10 minutes2 nd round: applicants present projects to donors 10 minutesDebriefing phase: presentation of findings and discussions Time schedule

13 Role Play Exercise – Reflections Getting CLIF Ready What was your experience of the role play?  from the perspective of the climate funds  from the perspective of the applicant What did you find challenging? What did you learn from the exercise?

14 Role Play Exercise – Next Steps Checklist to get CLIF Ready According to what you learnt from this exercise you could … Check with your institution as to which funds could be relevant for climate funding in your country Discuss in your institution what you could do to enhance your eligibility criteria for certain funds, which would be interesting in view of your country’s needs

15 Role Play Exercise References and resources Website of the International Climate Initiative: Website of the Adaptation Fund: GEF website: Website of the EU Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA):

16 Role Play Exercise Thank you for your attention!!!