Office of Institutional Research CAMPUS CLIMATE SURVEY FALL, 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

Office of Institutional Research CAMPUS CLIMATE SURVEY FALL, 2006

Methodology Survey using online/ technology mailed to faculty/staff distributions lists of the University & Law School during October of the Fall, 2006 semester. Follow-up sent approximately 10 days later. One hundred eighty five scoreable surveys returned, resulting in a response rate of approx. of 54%. Analysis of respondent characteristics indicate sample was representative of all full-time employees at STU. Results presented for total sample and additionally by employee type.

The Survey Instrument

Demographics of respondents

What Is Your Position at St. Thomas University?

What Is Your Gender?


The first series of questions requested respondents to indicate their opinion in terms of level of agreement on a four point scale with a list of positively written statements about their job and STU. The scales were: 4 = Agree Strongly 3 = Agree Somewhat 2 = Disagree Somewhat 1= Disagree Strongly

The second series of questions requested respondents to provide their attribution of quality on a five point scale with various attributes of STU. The scales were: 5 =Excellent 4 = Good 3 = Average 2 = Fair 1= Poor


In order to facilitate the comparison of results from Spring 2002 administration of the survey the four categories from Part I were collapsed into two categories; Agree ( Strongly Agree & Agree ), Disagree ( Strongly Disagree & Disagree ).

In order to facilitate the comparison of results from Spring 2002 administration of the survey the five categories from Part II were collapsed into two categories; Positive (Excellent & Good), Negative (Fair & Poor). ‘Average’ attributions were not included in the analyses.