Freight Partnerships = Economic Development and Freight Performance Pete Rahn Missouri Department of Transportation AASHTO 2009 Annual Meeting Palm Desert, California
I-70 – Corridor of the Future and Dedicated Truck Lanes National Strategy I-70 through Missouri, Illinois, Ohio and Indiana Approx. 800 miles Dedicated Truck Only Lanes
Dedicated Truck Lanes – where to start? 30 mile section in west central Missouri Next step – 200 miles across Missouri 800 plus miles?
Freight Performance Management
FHWA Freight Performance Measures Initiative To measure speed and travel-time reliability on freight significant corridors and crossing delay time at major U.S. land borders Collaboration with American Trucking Research Institute using industry-provided GPS data
AASHTO Working Group on Freight Performance Measures Speed/Travel Time Reliability Access
National Cooperative Freight Research Program Performance Measures for Freight Transportation (NCFRP-03) To identify measures to gauge the performance of the freight transportation system Emphasis to include: efficiency, effectiveness, capacity, safety, security, infrastructure condition, congestion, energy, and environment
House T&I Bill State freight plan to include performance measures State shall measure and document: Speed Reliability Access Secretary shall establish quantifiable measures Establish a target level of performance Report progress
Missouri Examples of Successful Freight Performance Approach Freight and Passenger Rail Port investments MC customer satisfaction
The Future of Freight Transportation Must realize that freight is the economy Based on new partnerships that will reach across borders Must track investments and performance to ensure additional investment
The Challenge…