B UYING T RIPS Ensuring Successful Outcomes Judy Lew, Purchasing Manager
O VERVIEW Preparing for a buying trip Traveling internationally Meeting the client Choosing the merchandise Closing the deal Following up
P REPARING FOR A B UYING T RIP Know your needs Know your customers Know the current trends Set up your meetings Plan the itinerary Read the Buyer manual Pack what you need
T RAVELING I NTERNATIONALLY Know the culture Read the latest advisories Check your passport Update your immunizations
M EETING THE C LIENT Make proper introductions Dress appropriately Build good relationships
C HOOSING THE M ERCHANDISE Is it available? Is it good quality? What’s the production time? What’s our profit margin? The Buyer manual has important information about the minimum requirements
C LOSING THE D EAL Negotiate terms Mutually commit to a schedule Sign the appropriate contracts
F OLLOWING U P Submit the paperwork Keep in touch with the clients Track the order Did it arrive on time? Did it arrive undamaged? Was the right quantity received?
S UMMARY Buying trips are good investments only if they produce long-term relationships that sustain both the buyer and the seller. Our relationships with our sellers are critical to our reputation for unique affordable products.