Reading – weekly guided reading with the teacher. Children can change their individual books whenever necessary. Monday: Tuesday PE Wednesdays : Music NPT Library Van –fortnightly. Thursdays: Outdoor PE. School Starts at 8:50 Welcome back after a lovely summer! ( although the weather wasn’t great!!)I am excited about the term ahead. We have already made a start on planning our learning for the term. It sounds exciting! It has been so lovely in class with such smiley faces! Any questions – please come and ask. Mrs Tomkins After School Clubs WB 7h th Sept - Be sure to return the forms on time. Water Bottles on sale in the office soon. They need to be taken home regularly for cleaning. Fruit : 30 p a day from Fruit Tuck shop. We are looking for items for our role play area…Anything magical, wizard related or Potter themed! All donations gratefully received. Sept 9 th : Peer mediation training Sept : Class trip Gnoll Park (Team building )TBC Sept 25 th : INSET DAY Oct 1 st : Year 6 Murder Mystery Day Dyffryn. Oct 19 th : Open evening Oct 22 nd : Harry Potter Day Nov 2 nd : Staying safe / Anti Bullying week. Nov : Techniquest to school TBC Nov 30 th : Year 5 technology Day Dyffryn Dec 14 th – 16 th – Xmas concerts. Other Dates will appear on the newsletter.
Wizards and Wands!!. English:’ We will be innovating a Harry Potter story and looking closely at the characters, interviewing and writing letters to one of them. We will be researching and writing reports on mythical creatures (Dragons and unicorns have been mentioned). We will also be looking at persuaive techniques ready for our challenge of making a TV advert for a wand! Maths: Place value up to a million, multiplication and division of 3 digit by 2 digit, mental strategies of multiplication and division, fractions including changing mixed numbers, Shape, space and measures to include classifying triangles and describing properties of solid shapes. Simple probability, Money which includes terms profit and loss. Science: We will be investigating materials as a topic.We look at suitable materials to build our structures and investigate substances that could make potions! We will develop our understanding of solids, liquids and gases and know the process of melting, dissolving, condensing, evaporation and freezing. We will be planning and evaluating our own investigations deciding what makes a fair test. Welsh : We will be reading shared texts and learning how to write about ourselves and also a Harry Potter character. We will be writing a letter to a character and a short conversation between character in welsh. We wil be recording conversations and a blog about ourselves. Home reading of my individual book. Read a newspaper or magazine – everything will help! Mental maths – Multiplication tables. Time vocabulary. Remember to use Sumdog and HWB at home. Also try some of the websites at home. www. During our topic we are going to research and design a structure ( bridge or quidditch pitch stand) for a Harry Potter TV producer. This will involve looking at famous landmarks and measuring accurately to join the materials. We will also be filming a TV advert so will need to look at how to use a green screen and understand filming techniques. We will need to write a script and present appropriately. In art we will be investigating painting and drawing techniques and be looking at Andy Warhole as an artist, learning how to paint in the style of him and how he used colour effectively. In RE we will be looking at Christian traditions and festivals such as Harvest and Christmas. During PSE, we will look at how we are all individual and why we need rules, also what respect means. We will be using Harry Potter as our stimulus for our learning this term focusing on the book The Philosophers Stone.