NCSU Endeca 2 1/2 Years On From NextGen to Normalcy Charley Pennell Principal Cataloger for Metadata NCSU Libraries North Carolina State University
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries What were we hoping to accomplish? Simplicity: a simple, hopefully uncluttered interface Interactivity: enable interaction with results to get better results Forgiveness: just fix my typos and case errors, don’t make me feel stupid! Response time: well duh! Real-time sorting: the limit is how many?!! Relevance ranking: is LIFO the best we can do here? Web services: use the Web to repurpose data, enable mash- ups, add-ons & improvements
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries Tools we started with… Faceted browse Overnight availability (checked out?) info Fuzzy link to live Web2 data Breadcrumbs Spell check / Did you mean? Hierarchical subject browse based on LCC New book browse for titles added in last week only Simplified display of continuing & online resources (redirect to Journal Finder/Web2)
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries Repercussions for Catalogers Data cleansing –Subfields for subject facets ($v, $x, $y, $z) –Material (item) types for format facets –MARC holdings simplification for current serials Classification of e-resources for LCC search Timeliness of keyword interface –E-resource catalogers could not test URLs in the public interface until the next day –Requested fixes and changes not reflected immediately Add unique numeric key (CKEY) to bib
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries How successful were we? Went public in January 2006 Converted daily snapshot of Libraries’ MARC & other metadata to text for overnight load to Endeca Improves the discovery portion of the library catalog: first faceted catalog browse Interoperates with Unicorn ILS for holdings, current availability status Web2 interface still present for known item & authority searching
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries User reactions “The new Endeca system is incredible. It would be difficult to exaggerate how much better it is than our old online card catalog (and therefore that of most other universities). I've found myself searching the catalog just for fun, whereas before it was a chore to find what I needed.” NCSU undergrad, Statistics “The new library catalog search features are a big improvement over the old system. Not only is the search extremely fast, but seemingly it's much more intelligent as well.” NCSU faculty, Psychology
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries Catalog cooperation in the Triangle TRLN libraries (Duke, NCCU, NCSU, UNC- CH) jointly develop and maintain BIS, DRA implemented for catalog (UNC & Duke continue Acq/Serials modules), Poor keyword search capabilities; No integrated keyword/browse capability, Web2 catalog implemented, Sirsi & DRA “merge” in 2002; Taos DOA
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries Triangle cooperation (2) NCSU & NCCU to Unicorn; Duke to Aleph; UNC-CH to Millenium, Sirsi/Dynix merger, 2004: vendor focus shifts (even more) toward school/public market Sirsi/Dynix increasingly looking to merge all product catalogs into single interface NCSU licenses Endeca Summer : TRLN Directors approve common catalog interface using Endeca 25 March 2008: TRLN Endeca goes public
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries TRLN Endeca Project
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries TRLN changes to Endeca interface Hourly updates to circ (not bib) status “Full” display internal to Endeca (not link back to ILS’s OPAC) “Closed” facets to save space LC classification moved to left facet column Improved relevancy ranking Graphics! Material type icons; book jackets Syndetics Solution content enhancement Tabbed display for Location, Subjects, Description, TOC, Summary Unicode turned on for detailed displayUnicode Permalinks
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries Data implications Record roll-up –OCLC Reclamation projects –OCLC number standardization (9 digits) –Records w/o OCLC# (esp. e-resources) –Whose record to display? Holdings standards –Simplification of summary statement: Gaps –Sirsi/Dynix: MFHD for serials only –ExLibris/III: MFHD for all formats Tables of contents purchased jointly & loaded in Endeca; not in separate ILSs Mulverized records present facet issues
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries More data implications ISBN problems –Wrong book jacket/TOC –No book jackets for separated e-book records Item/Material types & form subdivisions –Format identifiers not applied uniformly –How much granularity (Music recordings vs. Spoken word) Subject thesauri (LCSH, MeSH, NASA, local) Classification facet –NLM joins LC –What about SuDocs? –What to do with unclassified materials?
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries TRLN partner skins: Duke
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries TRLN partner skins: UNC-CH
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries Facet columns
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries NCSU Endeca 1.2 Released 7 March 2008 New “softer” look & feel (the graying of Endeca!) Lesser-used facets “closed” to simplify display Currently available and Online resources prominent “New book” browse based on relative date (last week, last month, last three months) “Search within” results LC classification browse moved to left column Send search to TRLN partners Icons for material type Book jackets Static unique link to live Web2 data Fed by TRLN servers: 23 June 2008
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries NCSU skin
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries Single dimension search, Feb-May 2008
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries Top search keys Feb-May 2008
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries NCSU Endeca 2.0 “Full” display from within Endeca Services –Shopping cart –Citation formatting for RefWorks, etc. –MARC display Improved subject linking Browse Incorporation of aggregator titles Pending –Roll-up of editions/formats for FRBR display –FAST?
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries Next step inspirations Phoenix PL (Endeca) –Look & feel –Integration w/library Web –Look & feel (tabs, icons) –Services Plymouth State (Scriblio) –Services –Related items VUFind –Services (comments, citations) –Staff view (MARC record) –More titles like this –Services
ALA Annual, 28 June 2008ALCTS Catalog Form & Function IG Charley Pennell, NCSU Libraries F I N View this presentation online at: