4/26/2017 OpenHIE RHEA Project 2012
4/26/2017 Why do we need an EMPI? Patient visits multiple separate healthcare providers Patient known as John Smith Patient Patient known as John Smythe Hospital Patient known as J. M. Smith Laboratory Radiology ID | John Smith | … Three entries merged into single record Enterprise MPI
RwandA (RHEA) Disaggregate Data – HL7 Messaging HR Domain 4/26/2017 RwandA (RHEA) Disaggregate Data – HL7 Messaging HR Domain Clinical Domain Shared Health Record Client Registry Provider Registry Validation Health Interoperability Layer RapidSMS OpenMRS HRIS
How does the system find patients? 4/26/2017 How does the system find patients? The system uses a mathematical Algorithm, which uses probability metrics to find medical records. It Compares records to determine the most accurate medical record for an individual. Provides multiple passes to prevent errors Provides a high selectivity factor Parameters can be defined with broad requirements(delivering more results) or with narrow selection criteria to reduce the amount of records presented. Reports can be run to allow data cleansing.
4/26/2017 Matching Algorithms Variety of algorithms available, both deterministic and probabilistic Fellegi-Sunter is the most popular probabilistic algorithm
4/26/2017 Exchange Workflow
Client Registry Architecture 4/26/2017 Client Registry Architecture Overview of the software architecture of OpenEMPI