11/12/2004J. Boedo APS 04 Reciprocating Probe Edge/SOL Profiles in NSTX J. Boedo H. Kugel, D. Rudakov, H. Ji, T. Carter, N. Crocker, D. Rudakov, M. Umansky,


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Presentation transcript:

11/12/2004J. Boedo APS 04 Reciprocating Probe Edge/SOL Profiles in NSTX J. Boedo H. Kugel, D. Rudakov, H. Ji, T. Carter, N. Crocker, D. Rudakov, M. Umansky, D. Gray, A. Pigarov, D. D’Ippolitto, J. Myra, R. Maingi, V. Soukhanovskii, Ricardo Maqueda (Nova Photonics), S. Zweben and the NSTX Team CO3 ORAL session, Monday afternoon, November 15

11/12/2004J. Boedo APS 04 L-mode, 0.8 MW, LSN plasmas with density scan Discharge fueling rate and probe insertion time varied to sample various densities Plunges

11/12/2004J. Boedo APS 04 L-mode Te, ne, Profiles Obtained with high spatial resolution Profiles with high (~2 mm) spatial resolution 3 ms time resolution Data inside the LCFS Plasma exists far into the SOL Te is quite flat!! An offset is needed for proper fits >> fast radial transport

11/12/2004J. Boedo APS 04 Fixed Power, Density Scan. Scaling in Te, ne, can be obtained Te usually smaller than ne Trends of Te, ne with ne_av are opposite Te, ne converge at high both high and low ne_av (physics behind this?)

11/12/2004J. Boedo APS 04 Fixed Power, Density Scan. Amplitude, T e1, shows a marked dependence on average density N e1 does not! T e Profile shifts out with density

11/12/2004J. Boedo APS 04 Fixed Power, Density Scan. Offset T e0, N e0, fairly constant (except at low Ne?) SOL ballistic transport not too sensitive to ne_av? Need to examine low Ne behavior with more statistics

11/12/2004J. Boedo APS 04 L-mode vs H-mode SOL, LSN, 2 MW Ne SOL decay length: 3-4 cm in H-mode Ne SOL decay length: cm in L-mode Te SOL decay length: >50 cm in BOTH L and H mode. SOL radial particle transport larger in L-mode SOL heat transport ALWAYS large

11/12/2004J. Boedo APS 04 SOL Transport Probably Dominated by Intermittency in NSTX Conditional averaging results reveals that Intermittency strong in NSTX in BOTH L and H-mode Amplitude of Intermittent Plasma Objects decreases with radius in L and H mode Future fast Te measurement will resolve Te in the IPOs to separate particle and heat flux R-Rsep~ 1.6 cm R-Rsep~ 10 cm

11/12/2004J. Boedo APS 04 L-H Mode Profile Difference Lies on the Number of IPOs Although IPO amplitude somewhat higher in L mode, in NSTX the EVENT FREQUENCY is the chief difference between L and H mode R-Rsep~ 1.6 cm R-Rsep~ 10 cm

11/12/2004J. Boedo APS 04 Conclusions Te profile: 1) Narrower than Ne profile, 2) rises faster except at extreme n e, 3) most sensitive to, 4) quite flat at ~10-15 eV in the SOL >> SOL heat transport is fast! Ne profile: 1) Also flattish in the SOL, 2) sensitive to mostly via ne L-H comparison: SOL ne length is much larger in L-mode, SOL Te, ALWAYS large >> SOL particle transport faster in L mode, SOL heat transport ALWAYS fast! Intermittency is strong in NSTX. IPOs decay quickly with radius, drained by parallel transport Main difference on the intermittency between L and H mode NSTX is the frequency of the IPOs and not their amplitude

11/12/2004J. Boedo APS 04 Density Fluctuation Levels Decrease at LCFS The shear layer/LCFS (marked by double lines) and seen in the floating (not plasma) potential, shifts out at high density Normalized density fluctuation levels (Nrms/N) shift accordingly Normalized fluctuation levels vary from ~ 0.2 in the shear layer to ~ at the LCFS dropping to ~ in the SOL

11/12/2004J. Boedo APS 04 L-mode Vf, Er Profiles Obtained Radial field increases quickly to ~5.5 kV/m Poloidal tips well aligned No dedicated H-mode data, mining database

11/12/2004J. Boedo APS 04 Electric field moves outward at high density ? Clear “transition” at ~3.0E13 cm-3 So far (nominal 5 cm inside), no well. Need to make further experiments and go further in.