OwlTeacher.com The Hemispheres
OwlTeacher.com How Latitude and Longitude Form the Global Grid
5 DEFINITION OF GEOGRAPHY ge·og·ra·phy 1 : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface Source-Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary
6 IN PLAIN ENGLISH Geography is the study of the earth and everything on it.
8 PLACE It is a description of what makes that place different to others. This is divided into 2 parts: Physical Differences and Human Differences Physical differences, or characteristics, include things that occur naturally, such as mountains, rivers, type of soil, wildlife, climate etc. I might say that a place is flat with rich soil and many rivers Human differences, or characteristics, are things that have changed due to people, such as roads and buildings, how people live and their traditions. This is where you can really go to town in your description.
9 PLACE Things to think about Place -- What makes a place different from other places? Differences might be defined in terms of climate, physical features, or the people who live there and their traditions.
10 PLACE ~more~ What physical characteristics exist in this city such as plant and animal life? What cultural (human) characteristics are typical of this city? Which ethnic, religious, or political groups live here?
11 REGION Defined by a government or physical characteristics Defined by a function Regions defined by a government or physical characteristics are regions that are strictly maintained, such as countries or continents. Regions defined by a function are areas served by a particular service. Loosely defined regions are regions that are grouped together in general terms. These are things such as the North, or the Midlands or the Buddhist World, or even the Far East and Middle East.
12 HUMAN-ENVIRONMENTAL INTERACTIONS It can be divided into 3 parts: How people have been changed by the environment. How the environment has been changed by people. How people depend on the environment. How people have been changed by the environment can be called adaptation. It is the way humans change to suit their environment. How the environment has been changed or modification is the way people change their environment to suit themselves. Depending on the environment is when people depend on their environment for something. Examples of this are using trees for firewood, or coal to warm us in winter, rivers to transport goods and natural resources like oil and coal, to sell or exchange for other needed items that are not available.
13 LOCATION This is divided into 2 parts: Absolute location and Relative Location Absolute location Here are some examples: A Street Address: 1, Silly Street, Anywhere Town, Nowhere Place A Map Address: 15 o 20' North, 20 o 15' West Relative location is shown by saying where something is in relation to somewhere or something else. It is also known as location. Here are some examples: ten minutes away by train in front of the bank
14 LOCATION Things to think about. Location -- Where are things located? A location can be specific (for example, it can be stated as coordinates of longitude and latitude or as a distance from another place) or general (it's in the Northeast).
15 MOVEMENT Movement includes the movement of people, things, such as goods, as well as communications (the movement of ideas).
Quiz About The Five Themes of Geography Click the bell to the left of the correct answer. Applause will sound if the answer is correct. A gong will sound if the answer is incorrect. A key to the quiz follows the last slide. You may continue answering each question until the correct answer is found. Click on the orange arrow key to progress through the quiz.
17 Question 1 Which of the following is NOT a geography theme? A. movement C. region B. human-environmental interaction D. people
18 Question 2 Which of the following is an example of Human-Environmental Interaction? A. getting the mail C. placing a dish on your roof B. watching TV D. rainforest clearing
19 Question 3 Which of the following is an example of PLACE ? A. Deep South C. Dodge County Middle School B. McDonalds D. Skating rink
20 Question 4 Which of the following is NOT an example of Absolute Location? A.244 Hwy 30 West Jackson, KY C. 43 o N, 67 o W B. 5 miles from McDonalds, on the right D. Dodge County Middle School 1103 Herman Ave Eastman, GA31023
21 Question 5 Which of the following is an example of region? A. Georgia C. United States B. South America D. The Midwest
Changes in the Earth 22
The Spheres 23
Why does the Earth physically change? 1) Internal- volcanism (movement of molten rock) 2) External- crust movement (crust) 24
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