24. Oktober th Joint TFEIP/EIONET meeting Jochen Theloke Improvement of HM information in the Guidebook - Implementation of the ESPREME Results Jochen Theloke
24. Oktober th Joint TFEIP/EIONET meeting Jochen Theloke The tender is funded by the German Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt) The aim of the tender is to implement the results of the ESPREME project into the new structured CORINAIR Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook (AEIGB) for improving the national HM inventories The tender starts immediately and should be mainly finished at the end of 2007
24. Oktober th Joint TFEIP/EIONET meeting Jochen Theloke Considered by ESPREME Combustion & Industry Public Electricity and Heat Production Iron and Steel Non-ferrous Metals Waste incineration Cement production and other industrial processes Transport: Gasoline Combustion, tyre and brake wear processes Additional: Transport: Diesel Combustion Navigation-Fuel combustion Other Mobile Sources (including Military) – Fuel Combustion Considered Source Groups
24. Oktober th Joint TFEIP/EIONET meeting Jochen Theloke Hg (incl. species resolution) Cd Pb Cr (VI) As Ni Considered Species
24. Oktober th Joint TFEIP/EIONET meeting Jochen Theloke WP1: Review of the ESPREME data base. Data (emission factors, activity rates and uncertainties) that is needed for the AEIGB will be collected. WP2: Key source analysis WP3: Writing/Supplementing the specific Guidebook chapters supplements regarding heavy metal information as required Workplan Jozef Pacyna (NILU) Hugo Denier van der Goon (TNO) Tinus Pulles (Guidebook coordinator, TNO) Integration of international experts
24. Oktober th Joint TFEIP/EIONET meeting Jochen Theloke The results of ESPREME will be filled in the chapter structure/format of the new guidebook defined by TNO and AEA => mainly tables Providing of ESPREME emission factors to the specific chapters of the Guidebook and references Providing of uncertainty information Description of specific abatement measures, efficiency and abated emission factors Chapter Structure
24. Oktober th Joint TFEIP/EIONET meeting Jochen Theloke ESPREME Hg speciation of emissions for the base case 2000 by sector Estimated by J. Pacyna, NILU, Norway
24. Oktober th Joint TFEIP/EIONET meeting Jochen Theloke Emissions of As, Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb in Europe in the year 2000