Meet the teacher night Mrs. Reppi - 1034
Welcome! I am very excited to meet you! I’m sure you have a lot of questions and I will do my best to answer them! Question Cards – leave them with me if there’s something that I haven’t covered!
Who is Mrs. Reppi? Native New Yorker (Buffalo, not NYC… go Sabres!) 4 years previous experience with grades 5-12 State University of NY at Fredoina & University of Buffalo
Classroom communication Power Schools Parent Portal Access student grades and progress Class website: Remind 101 Questions or concerns? Please feel free to email me:
Classroom website This will be a great place to: See a list of what we did in class Find links to handouts and materials Seek help Explore additional resources Keep up to date with what’s going on in class and in school
Remind 101 For class reminders Not a messaging service No extra charges as long as you have texting on your cell phone plan
What we will learn We follow the 8th Grade North Carolina Common Core Curriculum Focus on reading literature, informational texts, writing, speaking & listening, and language. For more information regarding the NC Common Core, visit: core/
Class novels The Giver Anne Frank Used as a platform to explore a number of topics and themes including euphemism, dystopian societies, and symbolism. Parallel instruction with Social Studies curriculum during their study of WW2
Grading Martin policy – grades earned are the grades recorded 50% Major, 40% minor, 10% practice New 10 point grading scale Grades get rounded up to 59% at the end of the quarter Late work is accepted until the end of a unit of study with a 10 point deduction Grade Recovery: Test corrections = half of their points back Rewrite an essay = all points back
AIG & support Differentiate as much as possible – same assignments/topics tiered for different levels Different books about the same topic Writing contests Be an advocate! Just ask and I am happy to help!
40 Book challenge We will be tracking the books that we read throughout the year using our 40 Book Challenge Logs. We will also be having an 8th grade Battle of the Classes. Your student will be representing Team Reppi! No reading logs – We want to encourage our readers to enjoy reading and not make a chore of it
What you can do at home to help Encourage reading – read as a family, discuss books, read the newspaper, offer choice, go to the library, give books as gifts Promote writing – keep a journal or blog, write letters, make it relate to something they like, find an audience, use it as a way to cope and understand
Questions? Question Cards