Anne Frank: Forget Me Not 1.Get your computer and log on. 2.Open up the website, 3.Have notebook paper available with you. 4. Find your victim of The Holocaust profile that you were given from the list of children. 5. Read your child’s profile to familiarize yourself with their story.
Remember these important facts about The Holocaust: From the Greek: holos, "completely" and kaustos, "burnt” the genocide of approximately six million European Jews (and other groups) during World War II Hitler’s “Final Solution” Anti -Semitism This is the term given to political, social and economic agitation against Jews. In simple terms it means ‘Hatred of Jews’.
Find the following information when reading your child’s profile: 1. When and where was the person born (city, country)? 2. What did the child’s parents do for a living? 3. How many siblings did they have? 4. How old were they when they were taken away? 5. Where were they taken to? Their family? 6. Was the child taken to a concentration camp? Their family? 7. Did the child knowingly acquire/come down with a disease? 8. Did the child survive, and if not, when did they pass away? 9. What happened to the remaining members of the child’s family? 10.If the child survived, where did the child relocate to, and how old were they when the war ended? Did the child move to the United States?
Google Earth Geography Activity – You will use Google Earth to locate the following places on the map. Add up total miles of trip from place to place, and the distance from one to just another (hometown to segregated living area). Hometown of the victim Segregated living area (may be before ghetto) Concentration/death camp of victim