What’s Happening in Kobe? Image from Microsoft ClipArt: us/clipart/HA aspx us/clipart/HA aspx Documents AuthorsDanielle Gowan, University of Washington, Seattle, WA Locate and research the city and people of Kobe. Gather data to determine the time difference between Seattle and Kobe. Create a collage showing the simultaneous actions of students in Seattle and students in Kobe. Objectives Microsoft Office Excel, Bing Search Engine, Bing Maps, AutoCollage Software DescriptionStudents will collaboratively research the time difference between Seattle and our sister city: Kobe, Japan. Students will research and graph the time difference between the cities, learning about the city and people of Kobe along the way. The project will culminate with a collage of what is happening simultaneously in Seattle and Kobe. Learning Areas Science, Math, Information Technology, Culture Levels 4th/5th Grade Seattle, Kobe, Japan, Time Zones, Cultural Differences Keywords Project Overview
What’s Happening in Kobe? Image from Microsoft ClipArt: us/clipart/HA aspx us/clipart/HA aspx Teacher Planning and Management There are three main parts to this lesson. These parts should be split into separate time frames. Part Two will involve intermittent data gathering over the course of 24 hours, before Part Three can be started. The classroom for which this project is appropriate has access to and prior experience with technology. Small groups will need access to internet-connected computers, and students should have some experience using Bing Search engine and Microsoft Office Excel. If this is not the case, time should be spent teaching these skills before the lesson. Possibilities for introducing Excel in a less intensive way are presented in the lesson. Students will also be using Bing Maps and AutoCollage, but there is room for exploration of these programs built into the lesson. This lesson is building toward the scientific concept that the Earth orbits the sun, creating night and day simultaneously on opposite sides of the planet. This is a culture-based exploration of time zones meant to be taught as an introduction to that broader scientific concept. Documents
What’s Happening in Kobe? Image from Microsoft ClipArt: us/clipart/HA aspx us/clipart/HA aspx Teaching Resources Microsoft Office Excel (Free Trial): us/try/try-office-2010-FX aspx?WT.mc_id=MiG_HomePagehttp://office.microsoft.com/en- us/try/try-office-2010-FX aspx?WT.mc_id=MiG_HomePage Bing Search Engine: Bing Maps: AutoCollage (Free Trial): us/um/cambridge/projects/autocollagehttp://research.microsoft.com/en- us/um/cambridge/projects/autocollage Microsoft ClipArt and Media: us/clipart/HA aspxhttp://office.microsoft.com/en- us/clipart/HA aspx View “Project Overview” below for an in-depth explanation of the project. Documents
What’s Happening in Kobe? Image from Microsoft ClipArt: us/clipart/HA aspx us/clipart/HA aspx Assessment and Standards Click the documents below to see the assessment rubrics and standards cover in this learning project: Assessment Rubrics: Example of grading criteria for this project Mapping the Standards: Mapping this project’s learning objectives against Washington State science curriculum standards. Documents
What’s Happening in Kobe? Image from Microsoft ClipArt: us/clipart/HA aspx us/clipart/HA aspx Teacher and School Information Danielle Gowan Masters in Teaching Student Elementary Teacher Education Program (ELTEP) University of Washington, Seattle, WA Contact: