+ Steve Jobs: A Transformational Leader When thinking of Steve Jobs, you automatically think of him as a transformational leader. His ambition to create a company so extraordinary, bled into his followers, which ultimately led to products that are coveted in the modern world of technology.
+ Steve Jobs: Idealized Influence From the beginning, Steve Jobs had a mission for his company. A mission to create ground breaking technology. What he didn’t realize was that his mission influenced his followers to follow suit in his dream to eventually create different pieces of technology that people would not only wait months for, but would become a repeat customer every time a new product would be released. This influence to be creative and think outside of the box, was Job’s ultimate success.
+ Steve Jobs: Inspirational Motivation Not only did Steve Jobs connect on a personal level and use emotions when connecting with future and current customers, he was able to connect with his followers. While he was difficult to work with at times, he was able to motivate his followers to keep up with the demand for more and more products. Products that would have people wait day in and day out for to have.
+ Steve Jobs: Intellectual Stimulation When looking at other companies, Job’s knew he had stiff competition with high quality products. However, he was able to push his followers to keep the creativity level and invent aspects that would set them apart and make the competitors try to keep up. Each person on the Apple team was able to contribute in a different way to keep the company a top leader in their segment.
+ Steve Jobs: Individualized Consideration This is the one area where Job’s may have not had the strongest lead. As stated before, he was known to be a difficult person to work with, but still having the ability to create an encouraging format.