College of Agriculture Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology RAWE PROGRAMME College of Agriculture Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology Bhubaneswar
RAWE programme in OUAT is organized in the 7th Semester of B.Sc.(Ag) It Consists of 14 weeks 06 weeks at villages attachment programme 06 weeks as ELP Programme 02 weeks for Report preparation and Evaluation of entire programme
1st four weeks attached to KVKs They visit the village selected by the KVKs and perform: PRA Survey Problem Identification Problem priotisation Action Plan
At the same time each student contacts 05 farmers for social economic survey through a questionnare The students also identify the problems of the village They prioritize the problems Prepare Action Plan Advise to solve the problem Action Plan Includes Planning for Kharif- Rabi Market linkage Credit linkage Technology to be adopted.
Farmers Training The students impact training to the farmers in presence of the KVK Scientists They also demonstrate one of the technology indicated on training programme
Exhibition All the students conduct exhibition in the same village with the help of the KVK Scientists by using materials of the KVK
Evaluation of students at village KVK Scientists evaluate the students for their village attachment programme for which 40 marks is allotted Day to day Activity -10 Mark Spot Evaluation - 10 Mark Presentation of report along with daily diary - 10 Mark Grand Viva - 10 Mark
Attachment to Department of Agriculture The Students are attached for a period of one week to the nearest officer of the Directorate of Agriculture, may be DAO/DDA. They show all the Agricultural programme implemented in the field on that locality The students also visit the farmers field, where the programme is implemented The Officers of The Directorate of Agriculture attached to the students also evaluate them for 40 marks on the same line as KVKs Scientists evaluate
Attachment to Department of Horticulture The Students are attached for a period of one week to the nearest officer of the Directorate of Agriculture, may be DDH/Horticulturist They show all the Horticulture programme implemented in the field on that locality The students also visit the farmers field, where the programme is implemented The Officers of The Directorate of Horticulture attached to the students also evaluate them for 40 marks on the same line as KVKs Scientists evaluate ____________________________________________________ *All Scientists of KVK/Officers of the Directorate of Agriculture/Horticulture send marks of the students to the Programme Coordinator, RAWE, who averages the mark given by 03 ogranisation
Attached to ELP Programme- 06 weeks The students came to the headquarter and divided into 08-09 groups Each group is attached to one of the ELP as mention below Mushroom Production Seed Testing Lab of the State Govt. Honey bee and biological control Soil Testing Post-Harvest Technology Floriculture Grafting/Breeding Tissue Culture Vegetable Production *Here the students practically involved themselves from sowing to harvest.
Evaluation Here the Scientists attached to the students evaluate for which 40 marks is allotted
Final 02 weeks The 01 week is used by the student for preparation of report. 2nd week is used for conducting viva by the PC, RAWE along with all supervisor of 09 ELP, where individual supervisor gives marks for which 20 mark is allotted . Average mark is taken into consideration.
Advisory Committee for RAWE Dean : Chairman Director of Agriculture : Member Director of Horticulture : Member Director of Soil Conservation : Member Dean Extension Education : Member Dean of Research : Member A member of ICAR Institution: Member All Head of the Departments : Member
Programme Monitoring Units Chairman : A Professor of Extension Education Programme Coordinator : One (A Professor of Extn. Education) Deans’ Representative : One Supervisor for 10 Departments : 10 *They visit time to time to the village