The n_TOF facility at CERN somewhere around here


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Presentation transcript:

The n_TOF facility at CERN somewhere around here

CERN accelerator Complex n_TOF Linac(s): up to 50 MeV PSB: up to 1 GeV PS: up to 24 GeV

The n_TOF facility at CERN

4 n_TOF n_TOF commissioned in 2002 n_TOF commissioned in sample June 2004

n_TOF basic parameters proton beam momentum 20 GeV/c intensity (dedicated mode) 7 x protons/pulse repetition frequency 1 pulse/2.4s pulse width 6 ns (rms) n/p300 lead target dimensions 80x80x60 cm 3 cooling & moderation material H2OH2OH2OH2O moderator thickness in the exit face 5 cm neutron beam dimension in EAR-1 (capture mode) 2 cm (FWHM)

The real world n_TOF beam characteristics: Neutron intensity in the full energy range n_TOF beam characteristics: Neutron intensity in the full energy range 2 nd collimator  =1.8 cm

The real world TAC 237 Np(n,  ) 2004 measurement n_TOF beam characteristics: energy resolution n_TOF beam characteristics: energy resolution

n_TOF experiments Capture 151 Sm 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 209 Bi 204,206,207,208 Pb 209 Bi 232 Th 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 93 Zr 90,91,92,94,96 Zr 93 Zr 139 La 139 La 186,187,188 Os 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 233,234 U 237 Np237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am 240 Pu 243 Am 237 Np 240 Pu 243 Am Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm 245 Cm 245 Cm The n_TOF Collaboration 1.Cross sections relevant for Nuclear Astrophysics 2.Measurements of neutron cross sections relevant for Nuclear Waste Transmutation and related Nuclear Technologies 3.Neutrons as probes for fundamental Nuclear Physics

The n_TOF-Ph2 experiments Capture measurements Mo, Ru, Pd stable isotopes Fe, Ni, Zn, and Se (stable isotopes) 79 Se A≈150 (isotopes varii) 234,236 U, 231,233 Pa 235,238 U 239,240,242 Pu, 241,243 Am, 245 Cm r-process residuals calculation isotopic patterns in SiC grains s-process nucleosynthesis in massive stars accurate nuclear data needs for structural materials s-process branching points long-lived fission products Th/U nuclear fuel cycle standards, conventional U/Pu fuel cycle incineration of minor actinides n_TOF-Ph2

Fission measurements MA 235 U(n,f) with p(n,p’) 234 U(n,f) ADS, high-burnup, GEN-IV reactors new 235 U(n,f) cross section standard study of vibrational resonances at the fission barrier Other measurements 147 Sm(n,  ), 67 Zn(n,  ), 99 Ru(n,  ) 58 Ni(n,p), other (n,lcp) Al, V, Cr, Zr, Th, 238 U(n,lcp) He, Ne, Ar, Xe n+D 2 p-process studies gas production in structural materials structural and fuel material for ADS and other advanced nuclear reactors low-energy nuclear recoils (development of gas detectors) neutron-neutron scattering length n_TOF-Ph2 The n_TOF-Ph2 experiments

n_TOF-Ph2 n_TOF target New Experimental Area (EAR-2) The second n_TOF beam line & EAR-2 EAR-1 (at 185 m) ~ 20 m Flight-path length : ~20 m at 90° respect to p-beam direction expected neutron flux enhancement: drastic reduction of the t 0 flash Flight-path length : ~20 m at 90° respect to p-beam direction expected neutron flux enhancement: drastic reduction of the t 0 flash

Improvements (ex: 151 Sm case) sample mass / 3 s/bkgd=1 sample mass / 3 s/bkgd=1 use BaF 2 TAC  x 10 use BaF 2 TAC  x 10 use D 2 O  30 x 5 use D 2 O  30 x 5 use 20 m flight path  30 x 100 use 20 m flight path  30 x 100 consequences for sample mass 50 mg 50 mg 5 mg 5 mg 1 mg 1 mg 10  g 10  g boosts sensitivity by a factor of 5000 ! problems of sample production and safety issues relaxed EAR-2: Optimized sensitivity

The n_TOF Collaboration 40 Research Institutions 120 researchers

The End


Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments U Abbondanno et al. - The n_TOF Collaboration Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004), branching isotope in the Sm-Eu-Gd region: test for low-mass TP-AGB accurate branching ratio (capture/  -decay) provides infos on the thermodynamical conditions of the s-processing (if accurate capture rates are known!) Sm Eu Gd 150 Sm 151 Sm 93 a 152 Sm 153 Sm h 154 Sm 151 Eu 152 Eu 9 h 153 Eu 154 Eu 8.8 a 155 Eu a 156 Eu 15.2 d 152 Gd 153 Gd d 154 Gd 155 Gd 156 Gd 157 Gd The n_TOF Collaboration

Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments U Abbondanno et al. - The n_TOF Collaboration NIM A 521 (2004) mg of 151 SmO 3 encapsulated in 0.1 mm Ti 200 GBq (5.3 Ci) activity PHWT: accuracy better than 2% (MC simulations of WF validated by measurements of resonances in 56 Fe & others)

Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments Very low background in capture cross section measurements on radioactive targets U Abbondanno et al. - The n_TOF Collaboration Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004),

Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments U Abbondanno et al. - The n_TOF Collaboration Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004), MACS-30 = 3100 ± 160 mb = 1.48 ± 0.04 eV, S 0 = (3.87 ± 0.20)×10 -4 MACS-30 = 3100 ± 160 mb = 1.48 ± 0.04 eV, S 0 = (3.87 ± 0.20)×10 -4 n_TOF The n_TOF Collaboration Main uncertainty components: - 3% flux normalization - 2% detector’s WF - 3% BG subtraction

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm Implications Using the “classical” s-process model we obtain T 8 > 4 incompatible with realistic He-shell burning conditions 95% of neutrons are produced by 13 C( ,n) at kT ~ 8 keV. Under these conditions, 152 Gd cannot be produced During the He-burning episode the 22 Ne( ,n) is activated at kT ~ 23 keV. The 151 Sm  -decay is fast enough to produce 70% of observed 152 Gd (solar) Present main uncertainties:  (T) of 151 Sm stellar capture rate Inverse reactions Inverse reactions

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments Very low neutron sensitivity of capture  -ray detection systems & high resolution C Domingo-Pardo, et al. - The n_TOF Collaboration ND2004 Conference, Santa Fe, NM – Sept Pb(n,  ) The n_TOF Collaboration

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments Very low neutron sensitivity of capture  -ray detection systems & high resolution C Domingo-Pardo, et al. - The n_TOF Collaboration ND2004 Conference, Santa Fe, NM – Sept Bi(n,  ) The n_TOF Collaboration

Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments Low PS duty-cycle favours meaasurements on radiactive samples F Gunsing, et al. - The n_TOF Collaboration ND2004 Conference, Santa Fe, NM – Sept Th(n,  ) The n_TOF Collaboration

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments Very low neutron sensitivity of capture  -ray detection systems & high resolution F Gunsing, et al. - The n_TOF Collaboration ND2004 Conference, Santa Fe, NM – Sept Th(n,  ) The n_TOF Collaboration

Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments Very low neutron sensitivity of capture  -ray detection systems & high resolution The n_TOF Collaboration

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments Very low neutron sensitivity of capture  -ray detection systems & high resolution The n_TOF Collaboration

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments L Marques, et al. - The n_TOF Collaboration The n_TOF Collaboration

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments The n_TOF Collaboration L Marques, et al. - The n_TOF Collaboration

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments The n_TOF Collaboration The extracted resonance parameters were compared with a previous measurement (Boldeman et al., 1976) L Marques, et al. - The n_TOF Collaboration

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments C Moreau, et al. - The n_TOF Collaboration ND2004 Conference, Santa Fe, NM – Sept The n_TOF Collaboration ≈ 20% lower than previous data The extracted resonance parameters were compared with previous measurements (Boldeman et al., 1976; Others)

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments Very low neutron sensitivity of capture  -ray detection systems & high resolution 93 Zr(n,  ): raw data from 2004 measurement 10 mm The n_TOF Collaboration

(n,  ) x-section of 139 La Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments

Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm 139 La Neutron magic N=82 mostly produced by the s-process small x-section (resonance dominated) bottleneck in the s-process flow accurate abbundance measurements exist can be used for normalization of s-process abundance n_TOF experiments

Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments 139 La(n,  ) R Terlizzi, et al. (INFN) The n_TOF Collaboration

Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments Remarkable energy resolution and background conditions have allowed to determine the resonance parameters up to 9 keV In the past, the best experimental data did not exceed 2.7 keV. R Terlizzi et al. (INFN) The n_TOF Collaboration Up to 2.7 KeV: n_TOF n_TOF < 10% of Nakajima + Musgrove < 20% of databases < 20% of databases MACS-30 in agreement with the FZK activation measurement(s) 139 La(n,  )

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments 139 La(n,  ) R Terlizzi et al. (INFN) The n_TOF Collaboration The measurement at n_TOF confirmed the MACS-30 of the FZK activation measurement (O’Brien et al., PRC 68 (2003) 35801) The measurement at n_TOF confirmed the MACS-30 of the FZK activation measurement (O’Brien et al., PRC 68 (2003) 35801) With the new MACS, the s-process contribution to the La production in TP-AGB is 73% (with respect to solar) With the new MACS, the s-process contribution to the La production in TP-AGB is 73% (with respect to solar) A combined analysis with the Eu abundance (mostly r) may furnish evidence on the origin and nature of the s- and r- productions A combined analysis with the Eu abundance (mostly r) may furnish evidence on the origin and nature of the s- and r- productions

Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments Long  -decay half-life of 187 Re Long  -decay half-life of 187 Re s-only 186 Os and 187 Os s-only 186 Os and 187 Os

Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments

Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments M Mosconi, et al. – (The n_TOF Collaboration) ND2004 Conference, Santa Fe, NM – Sept Very low neutron sensitivity of capture  -ray detection systems & high resolution

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments M Mosconi, et al. – (The n_TOF Collaboration) ND2004 Conference, Santa Fe, NM – Sept Very low neutron sensitivity of capture  -ray detection systems & high resolution

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm Theory still needed! For example, in 187 Os at kT = 30 keV it is: P(gs) = 33% P(1st) = 47% P(all others) = 20%

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments Age: Re/Os and Th/U clocks complementary complementary

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments n_TOF TAC in operation The n_TOF Collaboration 233 U(n,  ) W Dridi, E Berthoumieux, et al., (Dec. 2004)

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments n_TOF TAC in operation W Dridi, E Berthoumieux, et al., (Dec. 2004) The n_TOF Collaboration 234 U(n,  ) 1.) Room + target frame background 2.) Background due to the Ti canning +1.) 3.) Activity 4.) 234 U + 2.) + 3.)

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments n_TOF TAC in operation D Cano-Ott, et al. - The n_TOF Collaboration ND2004 Conference, Santa Fe, NM – Sept The n_TOF Collaboration

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments D Cano-Ott, et al. - The n_TOF Collaboration ND2004 Conference, Santa Fe, NM – Sept n_TOF TAC in operation The n_TOF Collaboration

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments D Cano-Ott, et al. - The n_TOF Collaboration ND2004 Conference, Santa Fe, NM – Sept % of statistics n_TOF TAC in operation The n_TOF Collaboration

Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments An unprecedent wide energy range can be explored at n_TOF in a single experiment 234 U(n,f) The n_TOF Collaboration PPACs & FIC-0 (2003)

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments 234 U(n,f) High-resolution data up to high(er) energies The n_TOF Collaboration PPACs & FIC-0 (2003)

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments An unprecedent wide energy range can be explored at n_TOF in a single experiment 235 U(n,f) The n_TOF Collaboration FIC-0 (2003)

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments An unprecedent wide energy range can be explored at n_TOF in a single experiment 236 U(n,f) The n_TOF Collaboration FIC-1 (2003)

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments An unprecedent wide energy range can be explored at n_TOF in a single experiment 232 Th(n,f) The n_TOF Collaboration PPAC detectors

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments High-resolution data up to high(er) energies 237 Np(n,f) The n_TOF Collaboration FIC-0 (2003)

Capture Capture 151 Sm 204,206,207,208 Pb, 209 Bi 232 Th 24,25,26 Mg 90,91,92,94,96 Zr, 93 Zr 139 La 186,187,188 Os 233,234 U 237 Np, 240 Pu, 243 Am Fission Fission 233,234,235,236,238 U 232 Th 209 Bi 237 Np 241,243 Am, 245 Cm n_TOF experiments High-resolution data up to high(er) energies 245 Cm(n,f) The n_TOF Collaboration FIC-1 (2003)

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Validation & accuracy of PHWT


n_TOF-Ph2 1.CIC: compensated ion chamber already tested at n_TOF For n_TOF-Ph2: four chambers in the same volume for multi- sample measurements Measurements: 147 Sm(n,  ) (tune up experiment) 147 Sm(n,  ) (tune up experiment) 6 LiF target for calibration EAR-2 boost: 6 LiF target for calibration EAR-2 boost: approx 100 times the ORELA count rate expected approx 100 times the ORELA count rate expected 67 Zn and 99 Ru (n,  ) measurements 67 Zn and 99 Ru (n,  ) measurementsMeasurements: 147 Sm(n,  ) (tune up experiment) 147 Sm(n,  ) (tune up experiment) 6 LiF target for calibration EAR-2 boost: 6 LiF target for calibration EAR-2 boost: approx 100 times the ORELA count rate expected approx 100 times the ORELA count rate expected 67 Zn and 99 Ru (n,  ) measurements 67 Zn and 99 Ru (n,  ) measurements (n,p), (n,  ) & (n,lcp) measurements

n_TOF-Ph2 2.MICROMEGAS already used for measurements of nuclear recoils at n_TOF For n_TOF-Ph2: converter replaced by sample expected count rate: 1 reaction/pulse (  =200 mb, Ø=5cm, 1  m thick) (n,p), (n,  ) & (n,lcp) measurements << back << back

n_TOF-Ph2 (n,p), (n,  ) & (n,lcp) measurements 3.Scattering chambers with  E-E or  E-  E-E telescopes Measurements: 56 Fe and 208 Pb (tune up experiment) 56 Fe and 208 Pb (tune up experiment) Al, V, Cr, Zr, Th, and 238 U Al, V, Cr, Zr, Th, and 238 U a few x protons/sample in fission mode a few x protons/sample in fission modeMeasurements: 56 Fe and 208 Pb (tune up experiment) 56 Fe and 208 Pb (tune up experiment) Al, V, Cr, Zr, Th, and 238 U Al, V, Cr, Zr, Th, and 238 U a few x protons/sample in fission mode a few x protons/sample in fission mode Setup: in parallel with fission detectors production cross sections  (E n ) for (n,xc) c = p, , d differential cross sections d  /d , d  /dE << back << back

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n_TOF experiments L Marques, et al. - The n_TOF Collaboration December The n_TOF Collaboration

n_TOF experiments L Marques, et al. - The n_TOF Collaboration December The n_TOF Collaboration