overgrown (Page 61) Definition: thick; overrun; untidy Sentence : Our yard was so overgrown with flowers, you could hardly see our house.
green thumb (Page 69) Definition: able to grow plants with ease Sentence : I think my grandma has a green thumb because it seems that she can grown anything.
whimpering (Page 72) Definition: crying; whining; moaning Sentence : Our dog was whimpering because his food bowl was empty and he was hungry.
charming (Page 85) Definition: enchanting; mesmerizing; showing charisma Sentence : Some people practice charming snakes into swaying to music.
pathological (Page 78) Definition: abnormal; not normal Sentence : I have a pathological fear of heights, thinking I could fall even if I am inside looking out a window.
routine (Page 87) Definition: a habit; a usual practice Sentence : My morning routine includes some of the following activities: eating, dressing, and brushing my teeth and hair.
cooped up (Page 89) Definition: a feeling of being stuck inside Sentence : I felt cooped up while we were on vacation because it rained the whole time and we had to stay in our hotel room.
dramatic (Page 103) Definition: stagy; theatrical; an exaggerated reaction Sentence : My dramatic cousin threw a tantrum because we wouldn’t let him swim while it was lightening.