Designing a Hypothesis Is it testable?
Start with a question… All experiments start with a question you are trying to answer or a problem you are trying to solve…. How can I get more butterflies in my garden?
Variables Variable are factors that may affect you problem. For example, all of these may affect the number of butterflies that visit my yard… The number of yarrow plants in my yard The number of butterfly bush in my yard Increase the number of red flowers Add more stones for resting and puddling Location of my garden (sun/shade)
Pick one variable to purposely change… I will change the number of stones in my garden. This is the Independent variable.
Dependent Variable How will I know if changing the number of stones worked? What will I measure? (What should increase/decrease?) I will measure the number of butterflies in my garden.
Writing a Hypothesis If ____ Independent variable___ then ____dependent variable___ because____. If the number of stones in the garden is increased, then the number of butterflies will increase because they will have more places to warm up in the sun and get drinks of water.
Good Hypothesis? Ask yourself… Did I select only one variable to change? Can I test the results of that change? Can I measure the results of that change? Is it written as an If…then… because statement?