1 Calorimeters LED control LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Status of the calorimeters LV power supply and ECS control Status of the development of the PMT time alignment procedure Test setup outline PVSS control software for HV_LED_DAC and LEDTSB boards configuration and PVSS to CAT interface Detector signals relative time alignment algorithm and first realization Scan test analysis software and first result of the time alignment with LED control system Conclusion & Planning
2 Calorimeters LED control LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Status of the calorimeters LV power supply and ECS control Middle voltage PS’s for calorimeter sub – detectors have been bought and tested. First prototype of the PVSS software for control and monitor these devices were developed. DIM server was written; Control panels based on JCOB fwWiener component were designed. Integration to LHCb FSM architecture will be done soon. One open question about devices cooling into the rack is under investigation now.
3 Calorimeters LED control LHCb week meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov Test setup includes: 1.FE crate with one FE board, CROC and LEDTSB board. 2.LED driver with PIN diode and amplifier controlled by HV_LED_DAC board and configured by ECS based on the lbCaloHv component. Important commissioning task is the calorimeter signals relative time alignment. Needed tools: Hardware: LED drivers with PIN amplifiers, LEDTSB and LED intensity control boards. Software for PMT HV and LED intensity control. Software for data collection in “spy mode” that is initialized from ECS control panel for readout of the FE boards by CAT. Data analysis program for calculation the needed delay settings for FE boards. First prototypes of the tools have been developed and tested on the test setup in bld HV_LED_DAC SPECS Status of the PMT time alignment procedure development Test setup outline
4 LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Calorimeters LED control Status of the development of the PMT time alignment procedure Black box with 5 PMT’s, LED/PIN driver and HV_LED_DAC board. FE crate with CROC-2, FE board and LEDTSB board. Used hardware and LED light distribution optics are the same as on HCAL detector.
5 LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ PVSS control software for HV_LED_DAC and LEDTSB boards configuration and PVSS to CAT interface Calorimeters LED control HV_LED_DAC boards configuration and control panels.
6 LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ PVSS control software for HV_LED_DAC and LEDTSB boards configuration and PVSS to CAT interface Calorimeters LED control LEDTSB board configuration and control panels.
7 Calorimeters LED monitoring overview LHCb week meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov Case when the LED triggering cables are different, clear fibers in each group are different too but with the same length in the group (ECAL). 1.Set all FE Delay Chips in the middle of range (12 ns). It means to fix an ADC sampling time. 2.Collect ADC data of PMTs and PIN diodes incrementing delay of the LED triggering pulse by 1 ns in a needed range for each PMT group fired by one LED. 3. Analyze the collected data and calculate the needed delay values for Delay chips, taken into account a mean HV value into the group, difference of clear fiber length and a particle time of flight versus an angle distribution. 4.Set correct values to all FE Delay Chips. Two possibility of the time normalization: measure the cable length; use PIN diode response. Timing diagrams of the raw and analyzed scanning data Raw data Procedure of the detector signals relative time alignment
8 LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Calorimeters LED control Detector signals relative time alignment algorithm and first realization Online run control panel for making delay scan. DIM interface PVSS to CAT was developed by Frederic with a callable from ECS a DAQ TimeScan function. Then a dedicated panel for making delay scan has been designed. CAT Time Scan process parameters: channel – up to four sequential channels of one FE board can be specified. Number collected evens – up to 100 events. Format of the output data is a sequence of a mean ADC value, RMS of distribution and so on for next channels. Software tool for data collection in “spy mode” Needed improvement: parameter channel must be more flexible and include crate, module and channel numbers (up to 40 to match with a max number of PMT’s in one group)
9 LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Calorimeters LED control Detector signals relative time alignment algorithm and first realization Control panels of the data analysis for the detector signals relative time alignment. Data analysis tool allows : manipulate with the input scan run files; show the online analysis steps; produce the values for FE delay chips settings. Analysis algorithm: 1.raw signal shapes normalization on max value; 2.signal fit and calculation the time for PIN and PMT’s; 3.calculation delay chip settings. The developed tool is based on the CERN ROOT package.
10 LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Calorimeters LED control First result of the time alignment with LED control system Test conditions: HV = 1000 V, LED = 1700 cnt, ADC sampling time variation was in range from 5 to 10 ns. Three tests were done for checking behavior of the procedure: 1.Stability test; 2.LED intensity scan; 3.PMT HV scan. Stability test timing histograms for PIN time and (PIN-PMT) time. Result: Precision of a time measurement is about 0.1 ns PIN PIN-PMT1 PIN-PMT3 PIN-PMT2
11 LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Calorimeters LED control First result of the time alignment with LED control system LED intensity scan Test conditions: HV = 1000 V, LED = 1500 – 2300 cnts, ADC sampling time was 5 ns. PMT signal charge versus PIN signal charge Signal time versus PIN signal charge 2.5 ns 0.3 ns PIN PIN - PMT Result: Measured time variation is well matched with the scope measurements.
12 LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Calorimeters LED control First result of the time alignment with LED control system PMT HV scan PMT delay versus HV. 5 ns Scan run raw data PIN signal with charge 3500 cnts PMT1 PMT2PMT3 PMT1 PMT3 Test conditions: HV = V, LED = 2300 cnts, ADC sampling time was 5 ns. Results: Measured time variation is well matched with the scope measurements for PMT3. Crosstalk in FE board at about 1% level is observed. PIN – Ch0; PMT1 – Ch1; PMT2 – Ch2; PMT3 – Ch3;
13 LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Calorimeters LED control March commissioning test It seems realistic to start the ECAL and HCAL relative time alignment test with the “spy DAQ mode” in March in condition very closed to final. What we will need: Hardware: 1.PC in barrack D2 with needed software (already installed); 2.LV power supplies for the CW’s powering (we have one device and it can be placed into the ECAL or HCAL – C rack ); V and 30 V PS’s exist, but not clear where to put them in March (cables?); 4.Specs cables from the barrack to patch panel exist and may be a few temporary cables from patch panel to detector will be needed. Software: 1.The CAT Timing Scan process must be updated (if possible); 2.PVSS HV and LED control software must be extended for controlling a half of the sub – detectors; 3.PVSS LV and MV power supplies control software must be adapted (partial done); 4.Scanning data analysis tool has to be improved.
14 Calorimeters LED control LHCb week meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov Conclusion & Planning Prototypes of the software tools for making relative time alignment have been developed. The procedure of the relative time alignment was tested and the result seems optimistic. Next step is a test in the Pit in March.