The Happiest Words In The Bible
The Happiest Words in the Bible “But Where Sin Abounded, Grace Abounded Much More.” –R–Romans 5:20-21 (cf. 6:1-2) God’s grace that brings salvation, has appeared to all men (Titus 2:11; cf. Eph. 2:8-9). The grace of God teaches us that there are some things we must deny and some things we must do (Titus 2:12). Consider Paul (I Cor. 15:10; I Tim. 1:12-16) and the Corinthians (I Cor. 1:4; 6:9-11).
“Your Sins are Forgiven You” –I–I John 2:12; cf. Matt. 9:2; Luke 7:48 All have sinned (Rom. 3:9-10, 23). Sin brings death (Rom. 6:23; Isaiah 59:1-2). Blood of Christ makes the forgiveness of sins possible (Heb. 9:22; Eph. 1:7; I John 1:7). God’s conditions must be met in order to receive the forgiveness of our sins (John 8:24; Acts 3:19; Romans 10:9-10; Acts 2:38).
“Rejoice because Your Names are Written in Heaven” –L–Luke 10:20 God has a Book containing the names of the righteous (Ex. 32:31-32; Phil. 4:1-4). Those who fear the Lord and overcome will be written in this Book (Mal. 3:16; Rev. 3:5). We can be removed from this Book (Ex. 32:33). Lake of fire awaits those not written in the Book of Life (Revelation 20:15).
“Today You Will be With Me in Paradise” –L–Luke 23:43 There is a wonderful realm to look forward to once our physical life has ended. The righteous will be “carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom” (Luke 16:22). It will be a place of comfort (Luke 16:25) and rest (Revelation 14:13). Such divine truths make all the difference when death takes away the ones we love.
“Enter into the Joy of your Lord” –M–Matt. 25:19-23 Jesus has promised to come back for the righteous (John 14:1-3; Rev. 2:10). Heaven is a prepared place for the righteous (Matt. 25:34). No sorrow, crying, pain, death, nor night there (Rev. 21:4; 22:5). We will always be with the Lord (I Thess. 4:17).
“He Who Believes and is Baptized will be Saved” –M–Mark 16:15-16 God offers a way for man to be saved. The plan of salvation is simple to understand. The plan of salvation is offered to everyone. God desires all to be saved (I Tim. 2:4; 2 Pet. 3:9) The promise of salvation is conditional.
The Happiest Words In The Bible