By: Dillon, Amanni, Johnpaul and Sofia
Animals 1Dolphin 2Tiger 3Monkey 4Parrot 5lion
Animals 6 python 7 Baby tiger shark 8 Koala 9 Cougar 10 Gorilla
Animals 11.elephant 12.Rattle snake 13.tucan 14.girriuff 15.aranatang
Animals 16.seal 17. turtle 18.allgater 19.ealls 20.flamango
monkey Monkeys Monkeys eat bananas they live in jungles their hand is the size of a humans hand.
Animal spotlights Tigers Tigers eat deer, Antelopes, and monkeys. It eats up to 6 pounds. Tigers live with lion, tigers live in grasslands
Animal spotlights Dolphins Dolphins eat tuna and live in the ocean.
Our zoo helpers 1.Vet 2. Janitor 3.feeder 4.Zookeeper 1 5. trainers 6. rider 7.Food buyer 1 8. Food buyer 2 9. Zookeeper 2
our zoo helpers 10. Hotdog person 11.plumer 12.chef
our zoo budget, continued It cost $2,5011 to purchase all 20 animals
We can collect a lot of trash then recycle it and get the money from the people that work at the factory.
Our zoo! Wrap-up 1.feeding animals 2.doing work 3.washing animals 1.punching animals 2.kicking animals 3.haveing no workers we can make the price lower.