Software Systems Research Jason Flinn Computer Science and Engineering Division Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Michigan (with thanks to H.V. Jagadish, Peter Chen for these slides)
Software Systems Research 16 faculty Chandra Boyapati H.V. Jagadish Peter Chen Farnam Jahanian Jason Flinn Sugih Jamin Peter Honeyman Scott Mahlke Z. Morley MaoBrian NobleJignesh PatelAtul Prakash Steve ReinhardtKang ShinQuentin StoutToby Teorey 75+ graduate students supported through RAs and fellowships 5 visiting scientists, postdocs, programmers funding from NSF, DARPA, ONR, AT&T, Cisco, Compaq, Dell, Ford, HP, Hitachi, IBM,Intel, Lucent, MCI, Microsoft, Mitsubishi, Novell, Pfizer, Sun,...
What is a Software System ? Software that enables and improves many applications. Enable and improve the system by making it: easier to build more secure faster lower power more predictable in timing more reliable more scalable
Some Target Applications medical informatics biological databases web servers web browsing mobile users embedded systems multiplayer games collaborative design tools video conferencing data search and discovery scientific computing
Some New Capabilities Increase battery life on your laptop (Shin, Flinn) Collaborate securely over the Internet (Prakash) Query probabilistic data in protein databases (Jagadish) Keep laptop data secret even if it’s stolen (Noble) Understand and model Internet (Jamin) Repel denial-of-service attacks (Jahanian) Efficiently track mobile users and provide location-based notification (Patel) Detect intruders and track their actions (Chen)
Areas of Strength Database systems Jagadish, Patel Distributed systems Chen, Flinn, Honeyman, Jahanian, Noble, Prakash, Shin Mobile systems Chen, Flinn, Honeyman, Noble, Patel Networks Jahanian, Jamin, Mao, Noble, Shin Operating systems Chen, Flinn, Honeyman, Noble, Shin Secure systems Chen, Honeyman, Jahanian, Noble, Prakash Programming Languages and Compilers Boyapati, Mahlke
Recent Awards Teaching awards 14 University, College, and Department teaching awards Research awards 8 NSF CAREER awards 2 Sloan Fellows 1 Presidential NSF PECASE award Smithsonian Permanent Collection on Innovations in Information Technology 2 ACM Fellows 1 IEEE Fellow