FILE MANAGEMENT Computer Basics 1.3
SECTION SKILL OVERVIEW Create folders, copy files, and rename files in Windows Connect a USB thumb drive to a desktop computer and copy files from the drive to your local file system Remove USB devices properly Share a Windows folder with other users and grant them specific access to files within the folder Copy files from the local Windows file system to OneDrive
KEY TERMS File Folder File Format File Extension Hard Drive Optical Drive Flash Drive Cloud Storage OneDrive Shared Storage Network Drive User Account
KEY DEFINITIONS File: A collection of data created on a computer that can be opened, modified, saved, and deleted. Folder: A directory element that can contain one or more files. Folders are used to organize files so that they are easier to find and access. File Format: The standard for how a software application or computer program stores information in a file. File Extension: An identifier at the end of a file name that indicates its format and the program used to create and open it. File extensions are separated from the file name by a period (e.g.,.docx,.pdf,.html,.txt,.mdb,.kls).
KEY DEFINITIONS (CONTINUED) Hard Drive: A hardware device that uses magnetic disks to store electronic data. Computers use hard drives as their main storage device and read and write data on the disks. Optical Drive: A computing device that uses laser light and electromagnetic waves to read and write data on optical discs. Examples include CD-ROM, DVD, and Blue-ray Drives. Flash Drive: A small, portable storage device that uses flash memory to store information. Typically, flash drives connect to computers through a USB port. (Often referred to as a thumb drive.) Cloud Storage: A data storage service provided by a hosting company that makes stored data available on any device via the Internet.
KEY DEFINITIONS (CONTINUED) OneDrive: A cloud storage service provided by Microsoft. Shared Storage: Data storage that is made available to multiple users by creating a shared folder on a network server. Network Drive: A storage device, typically a hard drive, that is connected to a network and allows multiple users, computers, applications, and computing devices to read from and write to it. User Account: Created for a user so that the operating system, website, or application software can authenticate that the user is a valid user and is authorized to access specific resources.
DATA STORAGE OPTIONS Business User Local Storage Hard Drive Optical Drive Flash Drive Network Storage Server 1 Server 2 Cloud Storage Internet
IN-CLASS PRACTICE Complete the first lab in this section, Applied Lab – Manage Files. Let me know if you need help on a task.
CLASS DISCUSSION What are the advantages and disadvantages of different file storage options? How is cloud storage different from local file storage? When is it appropriate to share file storage with other users?
CLASS ACTIVITIES Demonstrate and compare other cloud storage options to Microsoft OneDrive. Examples include: Google Drive Dropbox Amazon Cloud Drive Explore the file system on your local computer: Observe the default Windows operating system files in C:\Windows Explore the folders associated with your user profile in C:\Users Check free space on local drives (right-click each drive and select Properties)
SUMMARY Saving files to a network drive Shared files and folders Cloud storage options File extensions Safely removing a USB storage device
Complete the labs in this section: Applied Lab – Manage Files Applied Lab – Copy Files from a USB Thumb Drive Applied Lab – Use Shared Storage Applied Lab – Use OneDrive Storage Prepare for the next class: Video – Wired and Wireless Networks Video – Windows User Accounts Video – Windows Update HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS