Copyright ©2013 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Questions about the Sweet Corn market in Australia 6 Australian Sweet Corn Report Year To 04/10/2014
Copyright ©2013 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Australian Sweet Corn Monthly Report Year To September 2014 Analysis Parameters Data Source: Nielsen Homescan Market: Total Australia & States Analysis Measure: Volume & Value Periods: Year To 2014: 52 weeks to 04/10/2014 Year To 2013: 52 weeks to 05/10/2013 Objective The purpose of this report is to provide a monthly market overview for the Australian Sweet Corn category. The approach seeks to answer 6 fundamental questions including the key performance indicators (KPIs) for total category and target demographic audiences. The report is part of a vegetable consumer purchase data project funded by HAL using the vegetable levy and matched funds from the Australian Government. Research Methodology – Nielsen Homescan A Panel of 10,000 Australian households Demographically and geographically representative Households electronically record their household purchases of all take-home grocery goods (fresh and packaged)
Copyright ©2013 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. Demographic Groups Definition View your consumer according to…. LIFESTAGE SENIOR COUPLES | 2 or more adults 60+ (17.6% of population) ESTABLISHED COUPLES | 2 or more adults (22.4% of population) INDEPENDENT SINGLES | 1 adult >35 with no children (20.9% of population) YOUNG TRANSITIONALS | Adults <35 with no children (9.2% of population) BUSTLING FAMILIES | Oldest Child (13.9% of population) SMALL SCALE FAMILIES | Oldest Child 6-12 (9.6% of population) START UP FAMILIES | Oldest Child <6 (6.4% of population)
Copyright ©2013 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary Are more households buying Sweet Corn vs. last year in Australia? Are households buying Sweet Corn more frequently? Are Sweet Corn buyers purchasing/spending more? How is the category evolving across different channels and retailers? Is there a particular state driving the category performance? How are Sweet Corn performing compared to other Vegetables in the market? Note: This report highlights the top three demographic life stages by penetration. Agenda
Copyright ©2013 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 5 Are more households buying Sweet Corn vs. last year in Australia? Penetration Total Sweet Corn Total Australia Penetration trend Total Sweet Corn 4 weekly data Year Ago This Year 1 Source: Nielsen Homescan Sweet Corn has seen a drop in penetration with a loss of 123,293 households this year Families have lost a significant number of buying households Opportunity lies if we can regain these lost Sweet Corn buyers Start Up Families Small Scale Families Bustling Families Year to 05/10/2013 Year to 04/10/2014
Copyright ©2013 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 6 Are households buying Sweet Corn more frequently? Frequency Total Sweet Corn Total Australia Source: Nielsen Homescan Average number of trips same period Year Ago Quarterly Trend QtrQtr - 1Qtr - 2Qtr - 3 Average number of trips This Year Buyers have slightly reduced the number of shopping trips they take to buy Sweet Corn Families households are key buyers of Sweet Corn, however, are buying Sweet Corn less often than last year Small Scale Families Bustling Families Start Up Families 2 Year to 05/10/2013 Year to 04/10/2014
Copyright ©2013 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 7 Are Sweet Corn buyers purchasing/spending more? Volume and Expenditure per trip Total Sweet Corn Total Australia Bustling Families Source: Nielsen Homescan Average volume KG purchased per trip Average dollars spent per trip Volume Consumption of Sweet Corn has remained stable vs. last year... … however, buyers are spending more per trip on Sweet Corn compared to year ago. 3 Start Up Families Small Scale Families Year to 05/10/2013 Year to 04/10/2014
Copyright ©2013 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 8 How is the category evolving across different channels and retailers? Share of Trade (Kg) Total Sweet Corn This Year Source: Nielsen Homescan Share of Trade ($) Total Sweet Corn Volume vs. Year Ago Value vs. Year Ago Sweet Corn declined in terms of both value and volume sales this year, predominantly driven by performance of Non-Supermarkets. Coles grew by +19% in terms of volume sales but declined by -3% in value sales of Sweet Corn. Aldi posts strong growth. This Year 4
Copyright ©2013 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 9 SA + NT (7%) WA (10%) VIC (24%) NSW (35%) Is there a particular state driving the category performance? QLD (21%) Average annual KG per Buyer Penetration Year Ago vs. This Year ( ) State share of Sweet Corn $ sales Source: Nielsen Homescan The number of buying households declined across all states except QLD and WA. WA accounts for 10% of the national spend on Sweet Corn and is the only state to have increased the buyer base as well as their consumption compared to last year. 5
Copyright ©2013 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 10 Market Share vs. Other Vegetables Total Australia All Vegetable Shoppers How is Sweet Corn performing compared to other Vegetables in the market? Source: Nielsen Homescan Even though Sweet Corn lost buyers this year, it retained its volume share of market vs. other Vegetables this year. Start Up and Small Scale Families decreased the proportion of Sweet Corn they purchase compared to other Vegetables. Volume Sales Kg 6 Bustling Families Start Up Families Small Scale Families
Copyright ©2013 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary. 11 Highlights Buyers are spending slightly more on Sweet Corn while their consumption per trip remained the same. The shopping frequency has gone down slightly this year. Sweet Corn lost 123,293 households from the buyer base this year and was able to retain its volume market share compared to last year. Sweet Corn witnessed a decline in both value and volume sales mainly due to significant drop in Sweet Corn sales in Non-Supermarkets. There is an opportunity of $1.3M if we are able to regain the lost buyers in the 3 key demographic groups. The number of buying households declined across all states except QLD and WA.
Copyright ©2013 The Nielsen Company. Confidential and proprietary.