Recap on the body in sport module (BTEC first certificate in sport and public services)
Aims of the seminar Conclude the module the body in sport stating information you should know. Complete group task (jig saw puzzle). Complete handouts labelling the heart and respiratory system. Complete the warm-up questions. Watch and make notes the heart section from the anatomy for beginners DVD.
Recap on the module (the body in sport) Things you should now know!!!! Things you should now know!!!! The major bones of the body (the skeletal system) The major bones of the body (the skeletal system) Functions of the skeletal system. Functions of the skeletal system. Effects of exercise on the skeletal system. Effects of exercise on the skeletal system. Anatomical movements. Anatomical movements.
Recap on the module (the body in sport) Things you should know!!!! Things you should know!!!! Major muscle groups in the body. Major muscle groups in the body. Three different muscle structures. Three different muscle structures. How muscles contract. How muscles contract. Types of muscular contraction. Types of muscular contraction. The effects of exercise on the muscular system. The effects of exercise on the muscular system.
What is this action?? FLEXION EXTENSION
What is this action?? ADDUCTION ABDUCTION
What is this action?? ROTATION
Recap on the module (the body in sport) Things you should know!!! Structure of the heart. Different valves in the body (the transport system). The effect of exercise on the heart and valves of the body.
Things you should know!!!!! Things you should know!!!!! The structure of the respiratory system. The structure of the respiratory system. How exercise effects the respiratory system in terms of breathing rate. How exercise effects the respiratory system in terms of breathing rate.
Warm-up questions What muscle provides flexion in the lower arm? What muscle provides flexion in the lower arm? What muscle is the antagonistic in this movement? What muscle is the antagonistic in this movement? What are the four chambers of the heart called? What are the four chambers of the heart called? What muscles pull the lungs to help inhalation? What muscles pull the lungs to help inhalation? What is another work for the windpipe? What is another work for the windpipe? Where does gaseous exchange take place? Where does gaseous exchange take place? What blood vessel carries deoxygenated blood back to the heart? What blood vessel carries deoxygenated blood back to the heart?