British and American History Week 12
Schedule Presentations – Halloween – Thanksgiving – Easter – Veteran’s Day – Independence Day Lecture Holiday Games
New Year’s Day January 1 The first day of the Western calendar. December 31 is called « New Year’s Eve » (evening before)
New Year’s Traditions Have a party on New Year’s Eve Staying awake until midnight Having a countdown to midnight Watching fireworks Giving someone a kiss (for good luck) right at midnight Watching the party in Times Square on TV Making New Year’s resolutions (goals to keep)
New Year’s Eve Party
Staying Awake till midnight Having a countdown
Watching Fireworks
Times Square
New Year’s Resolutions
Holidays Times Square New Year preparations tory-of-the-holidays-new-years- eve#history-of-the-holidays-new- years-eve
Valentine’s Day February 14 Celebrating love. (Historically, based on a priest, Valentinus, who would secretly help people get married.) Traditions: buy roses/ chocolates/ gifts for your lover, go on a date. Children also give candy and cards.
Valentine’s Day tory-of-valentines-day#history-of- valentines-day
Presidents’ Day 3 rd Monday in February. Celebrating the birthdays of George Washington (Feb. 22) and Abraham Lincoln (Feb. 12). To celebrate all the presidents. Traditions: some business and schools have a day off.
Easter Always on a Sunday in Spring, but not based on the Western Calendar. A combination of 2 holidays: – The coming of Spring – The resurrection of Jesus Christ
Easter Traditions istory-of-the-holidays-easter- video#history-of-the-holidays- easter-video
Easter Traditions Dyeing (coloring) Easter eggs Easter egg hunt (for children) « The Easter Bunny » Church meeting at sunrise Singing Easter songs
Dyeing Eggs
Easter Bunny
Memorial Day Last Monday in May. To honor the memory of soldiers who have died in battle. Traditions: watch parades, military ceremonies, visit the graves of relatives who were soldiers, have a day off from work.
Independence Day (4 th of July) July 4 Celebrating the signing of the Declaration of Independence – « America’s birthday ». Traditions: shooting off fireworks, having a BBQ or picnic, watching parades, traveling.
Halloween Oct. 31 Originally « Hallow’s Evening », the night before a religious holiday, Nov. 1. Now, it’s just a celebration of scary things. Traditions: have a costume party, trick-or-treating (asking for candy), decorate a pumpkin. Carve a pumpkin
Costume Party
Carving a Pumpkin jack o'lantern or decorate a pumpkin
Halloween alloweens-origins#haunted- history-of-halloween alloweens-origins#haunted- history-of-halloween alloweens-origins#halloween- traditions
Veteran’s Day November 11 To honor former soldiers who are still living. (Originally, this date was the official end of WW1) Traditions: watch parades, ceremonies to thank our veterans, have a day off work.
Thanksgiving Day 4 th Thursday in November. Celebrates the first harvest of the Pilgrims in the New World. They were thankful to God and to the Indians for helping them survive their first year in America.
Thanksgiving Traditions Big family dinner (biggest feast of the year) with many traditional foods: turkey, pumpkin pie, etc. Playing American football/ watching the football on TV. Remembering things we are thankful for. Going shopping the Friday after.
Thanksgiving Meal
Playing Football or Watching Football on TV
Black Friday
Thanksgiving istory-of-the-thanksgiving- holiday#history-of-the- thanksgiving-holiday istory-of-the-thanksgiving- holiday#history-of-the- thanksgiving-holiday istory-of-the-thanksgiving- holiday#thanksgiving-day-parade- tech
Christmas December 25 Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. America’s biggest holiday (for Christians and for non- religious people).
Christmas Traditions Visiting family and having big family dinners. Decorating Christmas tree, decorating house Exchanging gifts (and shopping for them) Singing Christmas songs, attending concerts Story of Santa Claus, reindeer, etc… Watching Christmas movies a-holiday a-holiday christmas christmas
Stockings on the Fireplace
Christmas Cookies
Decorating the house for Christmas