Welcome to Academics in Action! We are so excited you are here!
Mrs. White & Ms. Jamison’s Second Grade How to contact us~ Mrs. White: Ms. Jamison:
CLASS RULES!! 1.Follow directions quickly. 2.Raise your hand for permission to speak. 3.Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat. 4.Make smart choices! 5.Keep your dear teacher happy!
Class Dojo Conduct Grades are given each week in the Wednesday folder based off Class Dojo percentages from Wednesday to Wednesday. 100 – 90% = E 89 – 75% = S 74 – 60% = N 59 and below = U
Attendance Please make sure your child is here every day and on time. We start our day at 7:50. If your child arrives after 8:20, they need to go to the office and get a tardy slip. Daily attendance rate effects our overall school rating when it comes to STAAR testing
A E- Excellent B S- Satisfactory C N- Needs Improvement D U- Unsatisfactory F 0-69 You can go into Parent Connect and see your child’s grades at anytime. Major grades are worth 60% Minor grades are worth 40%
GT Referral If you would like your child recommended for GT testing, please let one of us know. The last date for referrals this year is Friday, September 25 th. You will receive a GT referral packet that will need to be filled out and returned promptly.
Second Grade Expectations Math Coins Money Place value 2 and 3 dimensional shapes Numeral Recognition to 1,200 Counting by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s Addition (regrouping) Subtraction (regrouping) Graphs and categorizing data Fractions Time
Science This extra FUN subject will be addressed in isolation and cross curricular. Our job is to make your child love Science!! This is the subject area that will allow your child to taste, touch, smell, feel and see the amazing world that they live in! Topics explored this year: Procedures Safety Tools Matter and Energy Force Motion and Energy Earth and Space Organisms and Environment
-Students are placed in Guided Reading Groups; Whole group mini-lessons/skill instruction -Individual texts are used -Review assigned spelling words nightly -Read for 15 min. each night. Reading log will begin the week of Sept. 29 th. -Fluency probe each nine weeks: needs to read 90 wpm by end of year to be average. BOY fluency should be above 53 wpm. -Must be able to read test on own for the 2 nd semester. (all subjects) -Please sign reading log nightly
-Students will learn to write through the use of The Writing Workshop: Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, and Publishing of compositions. -Students will learn to use the Six Traits of Good Writing: Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, and Conventions -Rubrics will be used in the grading of compositions to let you know what skills are required/graded on each piece of work.
-Spelling: we will learn the phonogram patterns and discuss how they work to form sounds/words. Spelling words will be in the homework spiral and on my website. -Vocabulary: we will build on our speaking, reading, and writing of key words in the English language, while making personal connections to the words. -Word Wall: we will learn the most commonly used words in the English language.
Please wear tennis shoes on PE days!!
~Please sign in at the office and get a visitor’s tag. ~If you are seen walking around the building without a badge, teachers and staff will ask you to please return to the office. Remember-this is for the safety of all children. ~ approx. $5.00 per family – more info. will be sent home in the Wednesday folder. ~money raised benefits the children ~If you would like to volunteer please sign the forms for your homeroom before you leave.
Dismissal Walkers Car Riders Bus Riders Day Care You must notify me or the office if there are any changes in dismissal procedures. Your child telling me is not enough and ing is not reliable.
Giving Tree Your trash is our treasure! Clorox Wipes Prize box trinkets Stickers Books Envelopes, stationary, fun pens Hand Sanitizer Magazines
You can help! Spend time reviewing school work. Practice addition/subtraction facts daily (Reflex Math at home) Read to your child daily. Ask questions, answer questions. Praise every accomplishment. Encourage best work. Contact me with questions or concerns.