OLD YELLER By:Kody Blankenship
Fre drick Benjamin Gipson was born on February 7,1908. He died on August He was buried on August 17, He was the son of Beck and Emma Deishler Gipson. He was an author to several books and magazines. These are some of the books he wrote;( “ Curly and the Wild Boar, Hound -Do g Man, Little Arliss, Old Yeller, Savage Sam, and many more. The best novel he has ever was “Old Yeller”.
The place of the book was in Salt Licks, Texas. This book was written in the late 1880’s The place of the book was in Salt Licks, Texas. This book was written in the late 1880’s
The characters are Mama, Papa, Little Arliss, Old Yeller, Travis, and Lisbeth.
Papa & Mama Papa was probably was in his late 30’s or in his early 40’s. He was the father of Travis and Little Arliss. He was also the husband of their Mama! He was the man of the house till he had to go to Kansas, and work the cattle drive. Mama was the mother of Travis and Little Arliss. She was also the wife of their Papa. Mama was known to be a real good cook in the movie. She was also the doctor around her house, if you got hurt by anything she always knew what to do.
Lisbeth & Old Yeller Lisbeth was Bud Searcy’s granddaughter. She really didn’t take after him at all. She would actually be helpful to others, instead of sitting down eaten up everyone’s food, and spitting chewing tobacco everywhere. Old Yeller is a yellowish color dog. He is also the families pet. He is a really nice dog that has taken care of Travis and his family many times.
Travis & Little Arliss Travis was a 14 year old boy. He was a real hard worker, especially when Papa was away. While Papa was gone he had to be the new man of the house. He had to do the chores Papa had to do and also take care of Mama,Little Arliss,and the house. Little Arliss was a six year old boy. He was a little rascal, all he did was bring bugs, snakes, and toads into the house. And when he didn’t get his way he would throw the biggest temper tantrums you will ever see.
The author’s purpose was to entertain with a entertaining story.
In chapters 1- 5 Papa has left to go on a cattle drive. So he left Travis in charge of the house. And one day a yeller looking dog has shone up and eaten a whole chunk of meat. Travis got really mad and tries to hit Old Yeller, but Little Arliss wont let that happen. Chapters 6-10 one day a roan bull shone up out of the brush and was fighting mad. So he and another bull named Chongo fought, during that fight Roany flipped Chongo into a cart and the cart went rolling down the hill. It was all fun until the bulls almost tor down the house.
In chapters Travis and Old Yeller went hog marking, everything was going just great until, the tree branch he was sitting on broke and he fell into the batch of hogs. He was mauled very badly and so was Old Yeller from saving Travis. While Travis went to get help for Old Yeller, he put him in a hole in a rock and put a piece of tree bark in front of it so he wouldn’t follow him.
In chapters their heifer named Rose had some how got hydrophobia and she wouldn’t come nurse her calf. So Travis had to shoot her. While Mama and Lisbeth were out burning the carcass a mad loafer wolf tried to attack them. But lucky for them they had Old Yeller there to save them. When Travis heard the screams he grabbed his gun, and when he saw the wolf on top of Old Yeller he shot, and killed the wolf. A couple of days later he figured out that Old Yeller had hydrophobia and he had to shoot him. Later on that day Papa came home with Travis’ horse and told Travis “ you can’t go on living life with the bad memories because new ones will come.
Travis is a teenager and is mature. Old Yeller is a dog.
Loss of innocents Life and choices
The story is about a family who lives in Salt Licks, Texas. And their Papa has to go on a cattle drive and leaves Travis in charge of the house. And one a dog shows up at the house. Travis doesn’t like the dog. But mama wants to keep it for a family pet. Travis finally starts to like Old Yeller after an incident with Little Arliss and a mama bear. So Travis and Old Yeller go on a hog marking trip but when Travis loops a big one the tree branch breaks, and he gets mauled so does Old Yeller. One day the rightful owner comes to take him back but Little Arliss has other plans he picks up rocks and starts to throw them. Finally Travis and Mama stops him. The man makes a deal with Little Arliss. So Little Arliss takes the deal and he gets to keep Old Yeller. Burn Sanderson tells Travis that hydrophobia is going around. And one day their heifer Rose has to be shot because she has hydrophobia. While Mama and Lisbeth are burning the carcass a mad loafer wolf tries to attack them until Old Yeller fights off the wolf. Travis finally get the shot and shoots the wolf. Mama and Lisbeth are lucky but Old Yeller isn’t. Now Travis has to shoot Old Yeller, he does. Papa comes home with Travis’ horse and tells him that you cant go on living life thinking about the bad memories because new ones will come.