Analysis of the results of the UNECE Questionnaire on valuing unpaid household service work Dominic Webber, Office for National Statistics, UK
Contents The questionnaire Analysis of results Recommendations Discussion
The questionnaire* 33 countries responded to survey. 14 countries estimate the value of unpaid work. (3 measure physical units). Answered questions regarding: o Timeliness of estimates o Methodologies o Future intentions *Results reflect comments from Mexico
Key findings 1.Disparity in the frequency of results. 2.Most countries opt for mix of monetary and physical values. 3.87% of countries used a Time Use Survey. 4.Only 7 (37%) countries have future plans to value unpaid work.
Timeliness of estimates
Methodology - Activities within scope Family care (adult and child). Food management. Housekeeping (cleaning, garden and vehicle maintenance, and pet care). Travel and transport. Voluntary work.
Methodology - Type of estimation
Methodology - Analysis of approaches
Recommendations - Production boundary Adult care Child care Nutrition Housekeeping (incl. garden) Transport Voluntary work Do the TF agree with these? Is there anything missing?
Recommendations – Methodological approaches No single approach is seen as preferable. Recommend: Guidance should be clear on strengths and weaknesses all approaches. Availability of data should be main guide for decision on which approach to take. Encourage, where possible, estimation using both input and output approaches to allow greater sensitivity analysis.
Recommendations - Extent of account Most countries only estimate monetary values. Recommendation: Countries should aim at a minimum to provide monetary estimates. Guidance should explain the steps to creating a full sequence of accounts.
Other issues for discussion Multi-tasking? What wage rate to use in the RCA? What coverage don’t we have? E.g. internet services. How can countries make sure they’re measuring relevant activities? How can we make sure that we don’t miss relevant activities?
Thank you Questions and discussion