KYCC Elections Last year elections were carried out in over 133 Polling stations across Kent online. 105 Young People nominated themselves to take part in the elections Over 7816 Ballots were cast across the county! 48 young people were elected through District Seats and 12 through Community Seats.
KYCC Campaigns Last year the 3 KYCC Campaigns were voted on by over 6743 young people! And the top 3 campaigns were: Transport Employment Things to do/positive images of young people
What have KYCC have been busy doing this year? Employment KYCC aims to improve the education of work skills, rights of young people in employment and introduce an under-16 young employment code and scheme. The aims for 2012 are: 1. Improve work skills education in schools & youth centres 2. Inform young people of their rights (minimum wage and working hours) 3. Introduce an under age youth employment code and scheme ACTION: Pick up your free Employment Rights Card Now! Things to do & Positive Images of Young People KYCC are working to introduce a discount card for young people. Following a recent KYCC survey, 82% of young people said they would use a discount card regularly and 89% said they would use services more often if they had a discount card. KYCC are also planning a you tube video campaign to promote all the good things young people do in Kent. Get involved now! ACTION: Nominate yourself or a friend for the KYCC video now! ‘Making Fares go further to get tomorrow’s transport today’ KYCC are campaigning for safe, affordable and accessible transport for young people and aim to: Improve quality of transport services Reduce costs of transport for 16—18 year olds Reduce train prices for young people and adult fares ACTION: Check out what the transport campaign is doing on
Other events during the year…
KYCC working Nationally British Youth Council KYCC attend BYC events across the country in which KYCC members get to have a voice and represent young people from Kent on a national level. They also offer great training opportunities for KYCC members. UK Youth Parliament We currently have two Members of UKYP and two Deputy members. Again our members represent Young people from Kent on a UK level and campaign on the issue that affect young people in our country.
KYCC Elections 2012 Kent Youth County Council Elections will take place from Monday 15th - Friday 26th October This year you can vote online, via ballots or through text voting! Young people aged 11—18 years can now register as a Candidate for the KYCC elections. Candidates can Register online or download an application form from…