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John CabotJacques Cartier John Cabot was the Explorer who claimed Canada for England in Jacques Cartier sailed into St. Lawrence river valley and claimed area for French in 1534.
New France In the 1600s and 1700s England and France fought over the land in North America. British won.
Newfoundland and the Maritime Provinces Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island. Easternmost province, on Atlantic Ocean, fishing and shipbuilding big here.
Prairie Provinces Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan (shown in green)
Interior Plains Interior plains shown in Blue, west of Canadian Shield shown in Green. Canadian shield covers over half of Canada’s total land area.
Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories Make up about 40 % of Canada Not very populated or developed
Rocky Mountains Part of the Cordillera ( group of Mtn ranges)
Southeastern Canada Most populated region Has a humid continental climate Shown here in brown Most people live near Canadian - US border
Mount Logan Canada’s highest mountain peak
Ottawa Capital of Canada
Quebec Most of the people want to keep their French culture and language Like New York, New York, it is a city and a province (state)
Niagara Falls Waterfalls where Lake Erie waters flow into Lake Ontario.
National Parks Alberta Province has two famous ones Banff and Jasper
NAFTA North American Free Trade agreement- allows USA, Mexico and Canada to exchange goods without taxes and tariffs. 70 % of Canada’s trade is with USA
Free Enterprise System Canada’s economy is based on the fact that anyone can own and run a company. It is not government controlled but the gov’t does provide health care and transportation for all.
Parliament Canadian lawmaking body