Presented by Linda Moon Gregory C.O.P.S. National President Payroll Deduction 101
Questions to Resolve
Decide What You Will Ask For Contributions through payroll deduction If they can’t do payroll deduction, as for donation through checks periodically Sponsor Fundraiser
Get Survivors Involved Get family members together who will go with you to explain what C.O.P.S. has meant to them (tip: they respond very well to spouses, children and parents)
Who Will You Ask Find someone who will support you with your proposal (Community Leaders – Elected Officials) Police Department’s, Sheriff’s Office, Law Enforcement Officers, Police & Sheriff’s Associations
Perseverance Don’t take no for an answer Develop a plan of action with other board members Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
Find Another Door to Go Through
Once You Get Your Foot in the Door…. Tenacity: is the customary measure of strength
Stay After Them Follow Up
Sooner or Later You Will Hear… Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go to Work
Then What? Ask if you can speak at roll calls to get officers to sign up (be prepared to go at all hours) Carry payroll deduction forms with you Ask officers to complete forms and pass them in – if they do not, you will never see them
Then What? Ask to speak to recruit classes Ask to go to in service trainings Offer to meet with the payroll department to assist in getting payroll deduction program set up Once you find your first sponsor, use it to encourage other departments to participate
Payroll Deduction Form
$ Rake in the Money $
You can do it!!