Sam Houston State University School of Nursing Title IX- Assault Awareness New Student Orientation Spring 2016 Cohort 10 Charmin White MSN, Ed RN CA-SANE, CP-SANE
Campus Resources Community Resources Confidentiality Summary History of Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy Consent Who’s who Agenda
“The Hunting Ground”
Title IX is a landmark federal civil right that prohibits sex discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment and sexual violence since it creates a hostile educational environment. Prompt and appropriate investigations of on- and off-campus sexual assaults and harassment will help to ensure your campus will meet the U.S. Department of Education's expectations. History of Title IX
2.5 Consent is an informed and freely and affirmatively communicated willingness to participate in a particular sexual activity. Consent can be expressed either by words or by clear and unambiguous actions, as long as those words or actions create mutually understandable permission regarding the conditions of each instance of sexual activity. It is the responsibility of the person who wants to engage in the sexual activity to ensure that s/he has the consent of the other to engage in each instance of sexual activity. The definition of consent for the crime of sexual assault in Texas can be found at Texas Penal Code Section SHSU Sexual Misconduct Policy
Consent and the Law
Silent Past Consent Force “Expressed or Implied” Impaired Consent is NOT…. Mutual Freely Given Informed How do I get consent? 1. Ask 2. Watch 3. Listen Consent is….. Consent
University Police Department Student Counseling Center Student Health Services Faculty/Staff/Coaches Title IX Coordinator TxsafetyU Who’s Who
TAASA Texas Association Against Sexual Assault
SAAFE House Local Hotline National Sexual Assault Hotline HOPE (4673) HMH (hospital): Where did this happen? Off Campus: Call 911 On Campus: Call Student Health Services What if I have been forced to have sex? Get Medical Help and Prevent STD’s And if you do not wish to contact law enforcement you can still go to Huntsville Memorial Hospital for a Forensic Medical Exam with treatment.
You will register in the ED waiting room You will be triaged and taken to a private room to wait to be seen With your permission a forensic nurse will talk with you, may look at and take pictures of any injuries you may have to make sure you are OK, they may collect evidence. This exam will be provided whether you do or do not want to talk to the police. What will happen once I get there? You may also have an advocate called, they may speak with you about your safety, and emotional concerns What if I have been hurt by my partner? SART teams give confidential care and treatment to patients who have experienced domestic violence, sexual abuse and stalking.
If you have been assaulted and do not wish to speak to the police for whatever reason, you may have a confidential exam done anonymously 2 year storage of evidence Non-Report Evidence collected can be used to support your case in future What if I do not want to tell the police? What are my options?
It can be difficult to watch a friend or loved one go through a bad experience such as sexual assault or domestic violence. It is up to your friend to choose what she/he wants to do about the experience. We encourage you to share these resources with them. “By Stander Intervention” Contact Hotlines for additional information What if I’m concerned about a friend? Your Options
Community Resources SAAFE House: National Domestic Violence Hotline: SAFE National Sexual Assault Hotline: HOPE Campus Resources Student Counseling Services: Title IX Coordinator: What if I just need someone to talk to?
STD/Pregnancy Prophylaxis Counseling Services Follow-Up Treatment Training/educational opportunities Confidentiality Advocacy Medical Exam Forensic Exam Non-Report Benefits
Student Handbook “By Stander Intervention” “SHSU Survivors Support Group “Take Back the Night” TAASA Lighted Campus CALL Boxes UPD Campus Escort Call Other Resources
Title IX Who’s who to contact TxsafetyU iPhone/Android 96 hours to report for evidence collection Non-Report 2 years to DPS Consent Summary
Consent Culture Challenge Campaign SON Cohort 10
KAT SAFE APP When Sam Houston State University first implemented the Kat Safe emergency notification system in the summer of 2008, it was intended for such situations as severe weather threats and campus closures. Faculty, staff and students had the choice to “opt in” and provide personal contact information, depending on whether or not they wished to receive alerts and updates.
Kat Safe APP “Active Shooter” “RUN, HIDE, FIGHT”