Leaving Certificate Biology Flowering Plants Structure 2 iQuiz SECOND Press the F5 Key to Begin, Then click on this Blue Box FIRST In PowerPoint 2007 if you see a Security Warning click HERE on Options… and then click on Enable this content
Photosynthesis is mainly carried out in the … BudRoot StemLeaf
Openings in the stem for gas exchange are called … LenticelsPores StomataPits
Which of the following cells in the leaf has the greatest concentration of chloroplasts? Upper epidermal cell Palisade mesophyll cell Guard cell Spongy mesophyll cell
Grasses have roots which are approximately the same size. Which of the following describes this? Tap root system Root hair system Secondary root system Fibrous root system
A plant with parallel leaf venation and one seed leaf belongs to which of the following groups? AngiospermsGymnosperms DicotyledonsMonocotyledons
Guard cells are located in the … RootsVascular tissue LeavesGround tissue
Cells of a root are usually unable to do which of the following? Absorb waterPhotosynthesise Store foodAnchor the plant
Minerals mainly enter a plant through … Root hairsRoot tip Root capLenticels
Which of the following best describes meristematic tissue in plants? Dead cells Actively dividing cells Photosynthetic cells Living cells
Food making cells in green plants are to be found mainly in the … PithXylem Palisade layerPhloem
Which of the following structures is involved in the translocation of food? LenticelsGuard cells XylemPhloem
Where are stomata mainly to be found? PetioleStem LeafRoot
In what form do most green plants obtain nitrogen from the soil? NitritesNitrates LimeSulphates
In which of the following structures is an internode found? LeafStem Small intestinePancreas
In which organ does transpiration occur? StemRoot BudLeaf
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