2 Learning Objectives Understand the advantages and disadvantages of developing a Web page with Microsoft Word. Understand fonts, colors, and other formatting techniques. Learn how to control page lines with paragraphs, breaks, and other techniques. Learn how to create lists and tables. Learn to create links to , other parts of the same Web page, and to other Web pages. Understand how images are inserted into Web pages.
3 Introduction This project uses Microsoft Word 2002 (also known as Microsoft Word XP) to make a Web page A step-by-step example illustrates the techniques and concepts that will be needed for the project The example is not the assignment; the assignment comes after the example By working through the example provided, you will learn how to complete the assignment An image of the completed example is shown in Figure P2.1
4 EXAMPLE The example Web page is a product sheet for pizza so that someone browsing the Internet can see what is offered It contains the standard set of Web features that occur on almost all Web pages: lists, images, links, and a table The user has three links on the Web page: The first, “Contact Us” is a link to send e- mail “Link to My School” is a hyperlink to your school’s Web page “Go to Top of Page,” is for navigation on this Web page itself
6 MAKING THE WORD DOCUMENT Basic Web pages can be created in Microsoft Word. The Example Web Page uses the following commands: –Under the Format submenu: Font, Font size, Font color Paragraph, Alignment Bullets and Numbering Borders and Shading –Under the Insert submenu: Creating a Table Creating a Hyperlink Insert an Image (Clip Art) –Under the File submenu: Save as “Web Page” (Many of these are illustrated in Figures P2.2-9)
15 VIEW THE WEB PAGE Close the Word program so that the Web browser can access your Web page file, then open your Web browser and choose the “File” command followed by the “Open” subcommand Type in the file name or “Browse” to it and click the “OK” button. Your Web page will appear in the browser If you need to make any corrections, close the browser and reopen Microsoft Word Edit the document saved in the Word format (not the HTML format) and save the document again in both the Word format and in the HTML format Reopen the Web browser and repeat the process until you are satisfied with your Web page
17 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES While you are looking at the Web page choose the “View” command followed by the “Source” subcommand. A new window will open on your screen that will display the code that generates the Web page Scroll down through the code generated to create the Web page; try to find the parts where you made your lists and table The great advantage of using Word to create a Web page is its ease of use. The disadvantage is the inefficient HTML code that is generated
18 ASSIGNMENT 1. You are required to make a product sheet for cell phones. Your company name will be your name followed by the phrase “Cell Phone Service.” For example, if your name is George Washington the company name would be “George Washington Cell Phone Service.” The company name must be the first entry on the page and the words must be substantially larger than other text as well as being blue in color. 2. Next you must create an unordered (i.e., unnumbered) list of locations where the cell phones will be sold. There must be four locations; make up three locations for yourself but one location must be the room where your class meets.
19 ASSIGNMENT(cont.) 3. Make a table of cell phone plans with prices like the table shown below. You may keep the border lines around the cells or you may eliminate them as you wish. Pay attention to centering of the values in the cells and the formatting of the text in cells. Minutes Price Day Night $30 / month $60 / month 500 1, Add a cell phone image from clip art. If you cannot find a cell phone image then use another image that you feel is appropriate. Center the image on the page.
20 ASSIGNMENT(cont.) 5. Add an ordered list of suggested phone types such as Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola, Samsung, or others. The list should be ordered from the phone type your company feels is best to the one least preferred by your company. 6. Make three links on the page. The first link should go to your address. The second link should go to your school’s Web site. The third link should go to the top of the page. All three of these links should be aligned to the right-hand side of the page.