Making Inferences from Informational Text Presented by your wonderful professor!
Anticipatory Set
Standards & Objectives RI 6.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Students will draw inferences using the text to support their reasoning.
Language of the Discipline Explicitly Imply Inference Evidence
Finding Inferences (Input) The author will always state the procedures and the findings of the study explicitly, or clearly. The author might not tell readers how to apply their findings, but might imply, or hint at, more than what they state. To use this information, you must use an inference, or draw a logical conclusion about what it means. To make an inference, examine the explicit evidence from the text.
Inferences Explicit Evidence + Prior Knowledge = Inferences
How to Find Inferences (Input) 1. First you need to identify the specific facts that are stated in the passage. 2. Then use reasoning and your prior knowledge to make an inference 3. Based on the inferences you draw as a result of your reading or informational text, you may decide to take action, or make a concluding statement.
Modeling In the study, 200 office workers kept journals at work. Whenever they felt sleepy, they recorded the time and when they had their last meal. The majority of them, 162, most often felt sleepy after lunch. 1. ID the facts : 162 of them felt sleepy after lunch 2. Use reasoning and prior knowledge to make an inference : I feel sleepy after a big meal at any time. The lunch might have caused sleepiness. 3. Based on inferences, take action : You might need to eat a light lunch or schedule hardest work before lunch.
Checking for Understanding What is the first thing we have to do when making an inference? ID the specific facts in passage What is the next step? Use reasoning and prior knowledge to make an inference. What is our final step? Take action, or draw a concluding statement.
Guided and Independent Practice GP: #1-3 IP: #1-4 Hwk: #5-7