Monomers vs. Polymers
Monomers Simple molecules Three types from crude oil Ethene Propene Chloroethene Obtained through “cracking” process (breaking large compounds in crude oil into smaller molecules) Monomers
Polymers Complex molecules-linking, repeating chain of monomers Natural and synthetically made Natural Wool Silk DNA Proteins Etc… Synthetic Polypropene Polyethene (LDPE and HDPE) Polychloroethene *** used to make different plastics, rubbers, and fabrics Polymers
Uses of Synthetic Polymers Polychloroethene and Polyethene Polypropene Food packaging PVC piping Crates Plastic bottles Car parts Vinyl records Toys Films Plastic bags Cables/wiring Moldings Coatings for fabrics Uses of Synthetic Polymers