S t a t u s a n d u pd a t e s Gabriella Cataldi (INFN Lecce) & the group Moore … in the H8 test-beam … in the HLT(Pesa environment) … work in progress
Moore for H8 test-beam ByteStream format implemented in read out classes: easier to move eventually to different formats MDT and RPC ROD data decoding as in HLT converters - The converters are filling the new muon EDM Code usable by everyone, upgrades following Athena releases Ntuples for the analysis Conditions data as calibrations (from Calib) and electronic mappings Athena services available to all algorithms (MuonTBCalibrationSvc, MuonTBCablingSvc) Initialized from plan ASCII files (located in the Athena repository) First tests being performed using the I nterval O f V alidity Service (see dedicated talk by Katharina Mair (Calibration and Alignement session on Wednesday afternoon14:00)
Ntuples are intended as an analysis tool for MDT and RPC, and reconstruction Example: comparison between MDT track segment extrapolation on RPC planes and RPC hits position (from MOORE reconstruction) Moore - H8 test-beam (I)
Moore - H8 test-beam (II) MOORE MDT segments reconstruction (calibrations from Calib) For the full 3-dim reconstruction the standard MOORE ntuple can be used Chambers misalignments 180 GeV beam Barrel sagitta Angle between segments reconstructed in BIL and BML station Angle between segments reconstructed in BIL and BOL station Angle between segments reconstructed in BML and BOL station
TrigMoore: Implementation of MOORE/MuID in the framework of High Level Trigger at the Event Filter stage. Wrapped Strategy- Allows to execute the offline reconstruction chain from the online environment, reconstructing the event by accessing at all the Spectrometer data. The implemented chain is composed by Moore and MuidStandAlone performing an extrapolation of tracks reconstructed by MOORE to the interaction point. Seeded Strategy – Uses the hypotesys formed at the previous stage in the trigger process, accessing only to subdetectors data that are of interest for the selected trigger regions. (By now only regions selected by the LVL1 trigger have been used). Moore in HLT- TrigMoore
Moore in HLT- a contact point between offline and online. Main ideas The algorithms operating in the High Level Trigger at the Event Filter stage should not operate only in a general purpose mode (reconstructing the event in full scan) but should be able to operate starting from hypothesys formed in the previous stages of the triggering process. Avoid the code duplication! Only the seeding has an ``ad hoc’’ implementation for the online environment. RecMuonRoI ( ± ± ) RegionSelector Hash offline IDs DigitsCollection (RPCs and MDTs) RPCDigitContainer MDTDigitContainer TDS (ZEBRA) MooMakePhiSegmentSeeded MooMakeRZSegmentSeeded PhiSegmentContainer RZSegmentContainer (TDS) MooMakeRoads MooMakeTracks Tracks MooHLTAlgo decision
TrigMoore timing tests (I) Atlas pcatr machine (2.4GHz) Atlas pcatr machine (2.4GHz) OPT build OPT build Timing package: TrigTools/TrigTime Timing package: TrigTools/TrigTime Strategies Seeded/wrapped Strategies Seeded/wrapped Conservative approach (i.e. data access and data preparation are included) Timing test performed on release DC1 single Muons execution times TailsTails
TrigMoore timing tests(II) DC1 single Muons execution times Timing test performed on release The use (from ATLAS release 6.6) of Compact Identifiers and the changes introduced in the fitter can influence the timing In the table the average and rms is calculated on the events left after rejecting 5% of the events included in the high execution time tail In the table the average and rms is calculated on the events left after rejecting 5% of the events included in the high execution time tail Wrapped, Full event Reconstruction Seeded: Access only the RoI from the LVL1 p T (GeV/c) (msec) rms (msec) (msec) rms (msec) X X Single Muons + Pile up
TrigMoore timing efficiency A time efficiency has been defined as the ratio between the number of reconstructed tracks in one second and the total number of reconstructed tracks A time efficiency has been defined as the ratio between the number of reconstructed tracks in one second and the total number of reconstructed tracks DC1 single Muons Average on events with time<1sec Mean time almost constant over Pt Wrapped mode times rather similar
Wrapped strategy | | < 1.05 Strategy seeded | | < 1.05 Strategy wrapped | | < 1.05 Efficiency for the reconstruction of single Muons sample in wrapped strategy (event scan). This is equivalent to the execution of the offline version of the code. The analysis has been restricted to the barrel region in order to be directly compared with the seeded strategy. (LVL1/LVL2 restricted to the barrel) Resolution in wrapped and seeded strategy.
Present and Future work on TrigMoore. TrigMoore in release towards Migration to gcc3.2 accomplished Wrapped strategy (working) Seeded strategy (MOORE not started-investigating) When running in the main release more general changes have to be considered (e.g. Compact Identifiers- Id Helpers- changes in the fitter). Those changes effect the MOORE execution time. Timing table has to be evaluated once again and the optimization of the time consuming algorithmic part has to be accomplished Implementation of the complete Muon slice Read LVL2 output results Efficiency curves and trigger rates Calculation of efficiency curves and trigger rates using single muons sample Calculation of efficiency curves and trigger rates using realistic event samples EventFilter Selection on Physic samples RPC bytestream converters Full online implementation of TrigMoore- The data access via ByteStream has not been considered up to now from MOORE. Also in this case we expect a change in the timing performance.
Moore and the CSC s Moore can now understand the CSC strips, but we don’t have data with properly simulated CSCs digits (only specially simulated samples have been used) The current version of MOORE does not give better results with the old data since in these data the CSC digits don’t have the charge information
Conclusions … for more information: Moore as Event Filter in the ATLAS High Level Trigger ATL-SOFT , ATL-DAQ Track reconstruction in the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer with MOORE ATL-SOFT