American –Isms Project For Writers and Texts We Will Not be Studying Through the Novels/Works We Read This Year Advanced English III
Basic Idea 6 different groups, each teaching a full day ’ s lesson on a movement of American literature 6 different groups, each teaching a full day ’ s lesson on a movement of American literature There will be texts assigned with each movement – so the lesson will include the teaching of those texts There will be texts assigned with each movement – so the lesson will include the teaching of those texts
Basic Idea, continued… You will read your texts before everyone else, but we will all be reading all of the texts You will read your texts before everyone else, but we will all be reading all of the texts Example: If Wednesday is the day we will be studying Transcendentalism, Tuesday night ’ s homework will be to read the Transcendental texts Example: If Wednesday is the day we will be studying Transcendentalism, Tuesday night ’ s homework will be to read the Transcendental texts
Time-Frame We will be using about week to work on and prepare for this We will be using about week to work on and prepare for this The presentations themselves will not be until after this The presentations themselves will not be until after this
Choosing a Project After discussing all 6, you will get a chance to pick your top 3 choices After discussing all 6, you will get a chance to pick your top 3 choices You will then be assigned one of those 3 (hopefully) You will then be assigned one of those 3 (hopefully)
Tonight ’ s Homework Tonight ’ s homework is to read your group ’ s assigned texts, and to be ready to discuss them with your group tomorrow Tonight ’ s homework is to read your group ’ s assigned texts, and to be ready to discuss them with your group tomorrow
Grading Since a lot of time will be devoted to this – and since this is an important assignment – there will a significant amount of points devoted to this project Since a lot of time will be devoted to this – and since this is an important assignment – there will a significant amount of points devoted to this project This will be a large portion of your 3 rd marking period grade This will be a large portion of your 3 rd marking period grade You will be given a group grade AND a personal grade You will be given a group grade AND a personal grade Rushed projects will not be scored above a C Rushed projects will not be scored above a C
The 6 –Isms: Revolutionism Timeframe: from a little before the Revolutionary War to a little after Timeframe: from a little before the Revolutionary War to a little after Writing Style: Persuasive Writing Style: Persuasive Focus: independence, freedom, human rights, the creation of a country Focus: independence, freedom, human rights, the creation of a country Texts: Texts: –Thomas Paine: all from textbook –Jefferson: all from textbook
Romanticism Began in Europe Began in Europe Reaction against aristocracy, Age of Reason, science, etc. Reaction against aristocracy, Age of Reason, science, etc. Focus: emotion, the individual, human creativity, Nature, Focus: emotion, the individual, human creativity, Nature, –In American, the themes are often dark Texts: Texts: –Poe ’ s Introduction, “ The Raven ” (181) and “ The Black Cat ” (website) –Whitman ’ s Introduction, “ Song of Myself, ” and “ I Hear American Singing ”
Transcendentalism Branch of Romanticism Branch of Romanticism Also a protest against society, etc. Also a protest against society, etc. A lot of the same foci of the Romantics A lot of the same foci of the Romantics In addition, spiritual or non-material state of being is more important than physical states In addition, spiritual or non-material state of being is more important than physical states Texts: Texts: –Emerson ’ s Introduction and “ from Emerson ’ s Essays ” –Thoreau ’ s Introduction and “ from Walden ”
Regionalism Definition: In literature, regionalism or local color fiction refers to fiction or poetry that focuses on specific features - including characters, dialects, customs and topography - of a particular region. Since the region may be a recreation or reflection of the author's own, there is often nostalgia and sentimentality in the writing. Definition: In literature, regionalism or local color fiction refers to fiction or poetry that focuses on specific features - including characters, dialects, customs and topography - of a particular region. Since the region may be a recreation or reflection of the author's own, there is often nostalgia and sentimentality in the writing. Obviously, different regions mean different styles of writing Obviously, different regions mean different styles of writing Texts: Texts: –Frost ’ s Introduction and all his poems –Dickinson ’ s Introduction and all her poems
Realism Definition: a turn of the century idea in art, music and literature that showed through these different types of work, reflections of the time period. Whether it was a cultural portrayal, or a scenic view of downtown New York City, these images and works of literature, music and painting depicted a contemporary view of what was happening; an attempt at defining what was real. Definition: a turn of the century idea in art, music and literature that showed through these different types of work, reflections of the time period. Whether it was a cultural portrayal, or a scenic view of downtown New York City, these images and works of literature, music and painting depicted a contemporary view of what was happening; an attempt at defining what was real. Rejects anything superficial, fake, or dramatic Rejects anything superficial, fake, or dramatic Texts: Texts: –Chopin ’ s Introduction and “ A Story of an Hour ” (both on Website)
Naturalism The naturalists sought explanations for human behavior in natural science, and were skeptical, at least, of organized religion and beliefs in human free will. The naturalists sought explanations for human behavior in natural science, and were skeptical, at least, of organized religion and beliefs in human free will. Naturalistic works exposed the dark harshness of life Naturalistic works exposed the dark harshness of life Nature, etc. was usually pitted against Humanity, especially individual humans Nature, etc. was usually pitted against Humanity, especially individual humans Texts: Texts: –London ’ s Introduction and “ To Build a Fire ” –Crane ’ s Introduction and “ The Open Boat ”
Revolutionism: Paine and Jefferson Revolutionism: Paine and Jefferson Romanticism: Poe ’ s Introduction, “ The Raven ” (181) and “ The Black Cat ” (website) and Whitman ’ s Introduction, “ Song of Myself, ” and “ I Hear American Singing ” Romanticism: Poe ’ s Introduction, “ The Raven ” (181) and “ The Black Cat ” (website) and Whitman ’ s Introduction, “ Song of Myself, ” and “ I Hear American Singing ” Transcendentalism: Emerson ’ s Introduction and “ from Emerson ’ s Essays ” and Thoreau ’ s Introduction and “ from Walden ” Transcendentalism: Emerson ’ s Introduction and “ from Emerson ’ s Essays ” and Thoreau ’ s Introduction and “ from Walden ”
Regionalism: Frost ’ s Introduction and all his poems and Dickinson ’ s Introduction and all her poems Regionalism: Frost ’ s Introduction and all his poems and Dickinson ’ s Introduction and all her poems Realism: Chopin ’ s Introduction and “ A Story of an Hour ” (both on Website) Realism: Chopin ’ s Introduction and “ A Story of an Hour ” (both on Website) Naturalism: London ’ s Introduction and “ To Build a Fire ” and Crane ’ s Introduction and “ The Open Boat ” Naturalism: London ’ s Introduction and “ To Build a Fire ” and Crane ’ s Introduction and “ The Open Boat ”