Welcome! PreK-3 Principal Leadership Series Use Multiple Measures to Guide Growth in Student Learning Session Three, January 11, 2016 “Leading for educational excellence and equity. Every day for every one.”
Introduction to Session 3 Journey into PreK-3 Principal Leadership Series Online Modules System Building and Implementation Review of Session 2 Preview of Session 3 education.state.mn.us
PreK-3 Principal Leadership Series Overarching Goal To build and support the capacity of principals to systematically and effectively lead PreK-3 efforts in their schools and communities to improve the learning outcomes for all children. education.state.mn.us
Supporting Your PreK-3 Efforts Three Core Drivers 1. Leadership 2. Educator Competencies 3. Organization/System education.state.mn.us
PreK-3 Implementation Model (draft) education.state.mn.us
Principal Leadership Series PreK-3 Professional Development Series Professional Development Offerings 1. Leadership Principal Leadership Series 2. Educator Competencies UNC FirstSchool Online Modules 3. Organization/Systemness PreK-3 System Implementation education.state.mn.us
PreK-3 Professional Development Series Principal Leadership Series “Principals are the key to change. They work with peers as learning partners to build the skills needed to support capacity building at the school level.” (Fullan and Quinn, 2015, p. 59) Principal as Lead Learner “Lead learners build professional capital across their organizations by modeling learning, shaping culture, and maximizing the impact on learning.” (Fullan and Quinn, 2015, p. 54) education.state.mn.us
PreK-3 Professional Development Series Principal Leadership Series education.state.mn.us
PreK-3 Professional Development Series UNC FirstSchool Online Modules Building a culture of growth Starting late spring Free for PLS participant schools More information coming soon education.state.mn.us
PreK-3 Professional Development Series PreK-3 Alignment to Coherence Alignment Coherence education.state.mn.us
PreK-3 Alignment to Coherence: Putting it all Together “We define coherence as a shift in shared mind-set rather than alignment, which is about getting the structures right. Alignment on paper does not generate clarity. New cultures do.” Michael Fullan and Joanne Quinn (2015). Coherence: The Right Drivers in Action for Schools, Districts, and Systems, p. 24. education.state.mn.us
Principal Goals: Session 2 Highlights from Session 2 PLCs Growth mind set Commitment Productive discussions We are all learning together (funds of knowledge) PreK-K education.state.mn.us
Work Plan Goals: Session 1 education.state.mn.us
Work Plan Goals: Session 2 education.state.mn.us
http://mnprek-3.wikidot.com/principal-leadership education.state.mn.us
Session 3: Goal Understand how to improve teaching and learning through multiple measures of assessing child/student progress. education.state.mn.us
“The goal of assessment must be to improve teaching and learning” Competency 4 Effective principals use multiple measures to assess student progress and support student learning growth. “The goal of assessment must be to improve teaching and learning” education.state.mn.us
Self-Assessment (where we are at) education.state.mn.us
Work Plan (where we are going) education.state.mn.us
Work Plan (sample) education.state.mn.us
Series’ Website Twitter www.mnprek-3.wikidot.com/principal-leadership Twitter #MNP3Principals education.state.mn.us
Dr. Sharon Ritchie education.state.mn.us